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Q: How would a cat react towards a lion or tiger, and vice versa?
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A cheetah or a tiger?

if they were to race the cheetah would win but if they were to fight the tiger would win

Who win between tiger shark and a bull shark?

Can go either way. Tiger would have more chance since it is larger and has more effective teeth but if they were the same size, bull shark would win- they are usually more aggressive towards their prey.

What would be you favorite book in the Tiger Saga?

The Tiger's Destiny and Tiger's Curse would be my favorite book in the Tiger Saga.

What is Tiger Woods's favorite animal?

I would imagine it would be a Tiger, he has a Tiger headcover on his driver.

Who would win in a fight Obama or a tiger?

the tiger likes dark meat the tiger would win

Would a hungry tiger be a docile?

no the tiger would not be docile.

Who would win a tiger or a ninja?

Tiger. No human can beat a tiger.

Who would win a Bengal tiger or a different kind of tiger?

That depends on the other type of tiger. Tony the Tiger, for instance, would probably lose. A robot tiger, on the other hand, would have a definite advantage over a mere mortal Bengal tiger.

Who would win a white tiger or a black tiger?

black tiger definitely


i would say about three times the size of an adult tiger would be about right

Who would win in a fight tiger or loin?


Who would win pandas or tiger?

The tiger wins.