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A fusion reactor is a type of nuclear reactor, one which fuses hydrogen atoms into helium atoms, as opposed to a fission reactor (by far the dominant source, and the only one used to commericaly generate power), which spilts uranium or plutonium atoms (mostly these two). Both use these reactions to generate heat, turning water to steam which then drives and turbine, which in turn drives a generator, creating electricity.

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What are the technical problems related to nuclear fusion?

Nuclear fusion requires very high temperatures and immense pressures to start and continue. The problems with a nuclear fusion reactor would be:- 1) the high temperatures would melt the container: therefore, the reaction would have to be stored in a vacuum suspended by a magnetic field and the reactor would have to be continually cooled. 2) nuclear fusion occurs naturally in stars such as our sun: unless the fusion reaction was limited in size in some way, it would be likely that our planet is vapourised by the reaction.

How a fusion reactor would be similar to a fission reactor?

explain how a fusion reactor would be similar to a fission reaction

What would be the source of fuel required by a fusion reactor?

Deutrium and tritium are needed as fuel in fusion reactor.

What part of a nuclear reactor would most likely contain plutonium?

This part is the core of the nuclear reactor containing the nuclear fuel.

How would you use nuclear in a sentence?

the nuclear reactor exploded

Where would you find a nuclear fusion reaction occurring?

You can find nuclear fusion in a star.

What is combining nuclei of atoms to produce energy called?

That would be nuclear fusion, like what happens in stars, when two hydrogen nuclei combine to form a helium nucleus.

What would be the advantages in using nuclear fusion to supply your energy needs in the future?

Tho only waste products would be Helium and a very small volume of the reactor that had become radioactive from neutron activation.

What happens in a fusion reactor if the plasma touched the sides of the container?

The energy used to allow nuclear fusion to happen would be transferred to the surroundings through the metal container because it is a conductor therefore the plasma would cool down and the reaction wouldn't be able to carry on.

What happens if nuclear reactor leaks?

If a nuclear reactor leaked you would have to evacuate the area around the plant and you would attempt to stop the leak and probably depending on the severeity level of the situation you may need to 'SCRAM' the reactor.

Would a nuclear reactor explode if there were no people?

Never ever

What energy would be used in a nuclear reaction in a star?

Nuclear fusion.