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Improper practices that dis-allow nitrification and plant absorption/consumption would lead to nutrient runoff/leaching and desertification. Such things are caused by keeping livestock in a dry-lot and conventional tillage cropping. However, with proper management practices that allow proper grazing of permanent pastures and no-till cropping there will be minimal to no leaching nor desertification.

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Q: How would livestock farming affect the nitrogen cycle?
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It can affect the Carbon Cycle, Nitrogen Cycle and Water Cycle.

How does human factors influence or affect the nitrogen cycle?

Human factors influence or affect the nitrogen cycle through interacting physical, chemical and biological processes.

How does water pollution affect the nitrogen cycle?

Water pollution affects the nitrogen cycle the least. The nitrogen cycle is the cycle of nitrogen as it enters earth, becomes fixed, and leaves earth, back to the atmosphere. The only way that water pollution can affect the nitrogen cycle is if there is too much trash in one area of a body of water, thus clogging the surface and not allowing algae to absorb the nitrogen. It could also clog the surface and not allow denitrifying bacteria in waterlogged soil to release the nitrogen back into the atmosphere.

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the nitrogen cycle

How will the removal of leguminous plants affect the nitrogen cycle?

it affects the nitrogen cycle as the leguminous plants have nitrogen-fixing bacteria on their roots and these nitrogen-fixing bacteria help to collect nitrogen which is transferred to animals when these leguminous plants have been eaten.

How might combustion affect the nitrogen cycle?

it sets fire to it and everything explodes

How do humans badly affect the nitrogen cycle?

they don't. humans are a part of the nitrogen cycle. we eat it in our food, it stays in our bodies, then it leaves our body when we die so it can be used again.

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All of the listed human actions affect the nitrogen cycle with the exception of the?

runnoff of pesticides

Is precipitation linked to the nitrogen cycle?

precipitation is linked to the nitrogen cycle because air contains nitrogen and when the rail falls there's an average of about 12% nitrogen in the water that falls, which affects the nitrgen cycle by boosting nitrogen levels up to aproximetly 12g of nitrogen per 5m squared, which the added nitrogen levels may affect delicate ecosystems if not properly managed. The increase in nitrogen levels is often caused by gases containing nitrogen being released into the atmosphere.