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Q: How would Nikola Tesla react to our modern day electronics?
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What is modern materials?

A modern material is not smart as it dose not react to its surroundings but it is a new material that has been created with in the last 50 years.

What are some advantages of modern film?

It can be used for bettercolorand has a better chemical in it which lets it react much quicker.

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This is controlled by a knock sensor.

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The modern model explains why most elements react with other elements while a few elements hardly react at all.

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I imagine her family was upset, but she wasn't known in her own time. It is modern history that she came to light.

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In general, gold is the most inert, non-reactive of all metals; it will never react with oxygen, either atmospheric or in solution. Can be useful in electronics since it is a metal and therefore conductive.

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A base because it does not dissolve other things as far as modern science knows.

React Native?

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How would modern people react on Capulet's treatening Juliet?

They would get really scared and if I was Juliet I would turn into a quaking fool and wouldn't be able to think straight.

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It does not react

What is the word react in a sentence?

How did you react when you heard the gunshot? He doesn't react to any thing I say. I cannot "react" to that question! IMPROV!