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Q: How would staying neutral in European wars protect the United states?
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What were the advantages and disadvantages of the United states staying neutral in World War 1?

The us was not neutral, they were against the USSR (the evil empire)

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The United States planned to stay neutral in wars between European powers and their colonies.

What was the U.S. position on World War 1 in 1914?

The United States was neutral. -APEX Learning®️ 2021

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Why did Washington believe that it was important for the United states to remain neutral in foreign conflicts?

War causes economic recessions. By staying neutral we hoped to stay out of debt. That is mostly true but the answer depends on the time period. During WW1 the US tried to stay neutral to stay progressive. During other wars the answer really varies. But the first answer really sums it up, saving money and staying out of debt is a main priority. Wars cost billions of dollars, in the case of WW1 many of countries went into depression and for us it is known as the great depression.

How did Americans react at first?

At first the United States staying neutral. President Wilson ran for re-election during the war (1916) promising to stay out of the war. The country was full of isolationist that did not want to fight.

What is a name for the united European nations?

The name of the United European Nations is called: The European Union (EU)

How did the Monroe Doctrine and the Missouri Compromise promote nationalism.?

Both.Nationalism: Protected American interests/Sectionalism:It proclaimed the Americas should be free from future European colonization and free from European interference in sovereign countries' affairs. It further stated the United States' intention to stay neutral in European wars

US president who promised to protect Latin American independence from European countries in 1823?

The fifth president of the United States was James Madison. He promulgated the Monroe Doctrine which pledged to protect Latin Americans from foreign influence.

How is the Bush Doctrine of preemption a radical change in US foreign policy?

the United States will go to war if necessary in order to preserve the freedom of the seas and to protect neutral shipping from attacks.

Why were the neutral important?

The Neutrality Acts were signed by President Franklin Delano Roosevelt, it was important because it kept the United States out of a possible European war by banning shipment of military merchandise to the Allies.