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It would be a line as long as the equator.

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Q: How would the North Pole be represented on the Mercator?
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How does the north pole of a magnet face th e north of the earth?

If the Earth's magnetic field were represented by a giant bar magnet through the poles, then the bar's magnetic south pole would be located at the Earth's north pole & vice-versa! We define magnetic north as where a compass needle's north pole points.

What is a disavantige of a Mercator projection?

One of the big disadvantages of a Mercator projection is that it cannot accurately project the areas around the north and south pole. A Mercator projection is not equally accurate in all directions, even away from the poles.

If you were standing at the earths north pole which would be located in the zenith?

north celestial pole

What is the northernmost point in the world and the southernmost?

The North Pole is the northernmost point on earth. However, the "northernmost" would depend on the definition of North Pole. The magnetic North Pole would be different from the Terrestrial North Pole.

In what direction would you be headed if you were going from the south pole to the north pole?


If you were in the north pole could you travel north?

At the exact North pole, all directions would be South!

If you were in Madison WIsconsin would it be closer to go to the North Pole or?

It would be closer to go to the North Pole than to

Where would be if the Polaris is seen at the Zenith?

You would be pretty darn close to the north pole. _______________________ Specifically, you would be within about 40 miles of the north pole. Polaris is about 2/3 of a degree away from being directly above the north pole.

What would happen if you make a hole from north pole all the way to the south pole and fall into it?

you will end at north pole

If you were at the north pole could you contiune walking north?

No, your first steps from the North Pole would be in a southerly direction.

What is another name for 90 degrees north latitud?

That would be the North Pole.

Where would you end up if you followed a compass needle to the north?

To the North Pole.