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Q: How would the disappearance of plants affect these bacteria?
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A chemical that harms prokaryotic cells would only affect fungi plants animelia bacteria?

it would only affect bacteria

What would be in the water if there was no plants and animals?

If there were no plants and animals in the water, there would be an abundance of bacteria. Many plants and animals help to keep down bacteria growth in waters.

What would most unpredictably affect an ecosystem?

a mutation in native bacteria

What would you consider bacteria to be?

A grouping of life like animals and plants.

What do bacteria do that is especially helpfull to plants?

There's tons of types of bacteria and tons of types of plants. not all bacteria help plants (in fact, many bacteria hurt plants), and not all plants can be helped by bacteria. it would be almost impossible to list every bacteria that helps plants, but one example would be the denytrifying bacteria that live on the roots of most legumes (plants such as peas, beans, and peanuts). these bacteria convert nitrogen from the soil (that gets into the soil when animal carcases rot or when lightning strikes the ground). Legumes can't use pure nitrogen. these bacteria combine it with oxygen and make it NO2 or NO3, which are both forms of nitrogen that plants can use. once the plant is done using the NO2 or NO3, different types of bacteria (called denitrifying bacteria) will convert the NO2 and NO3 back to pure nitrogen and put it back into the atmosphere where it can be used by other organisms. these are just two of the millions of types of bacteria in God's creation, but they are extremely helpfull to plants.

How much bacteria is in cat fur?

Cats clean their fur with their tongues. There probably is not as much bacteria there as there would be in other animal's fur. The bacteria from a cat's tongue would affect that.

How would deforestation affect plants?

it can make it die

How do antibiotics affect bacterial growth?

they affect it because without the anitbiotic the bacteria would grow and make babies.

Which characteristics of the plants would most likely affect the plants' growth in this location?

leaf shape

Can plants and and animals survive without bacteria?

No. They could not under the current regime of life on Earth. Bacteria, in their symbiotic, detrivorous, and other roles are critical to the life functions of plants and animals. If all bacteria were to die out, it is likely that everything living on the planet would die out. Oddly enough, the bacteria could survive without animals or plants.

Do plants break down dcaying material?

no. that would be saprophites, mostly bacteria and fungi

How would the pH of the stain methylene blue affect the staining of bacteria?

the ph of the stain on the bacteria caused by methylene blue would not affect it a lot since all methylene blue is supposed to do is make it visible on the microscope for e.g.