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Q: How would the pancreas and liver help to digest ice cream?
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Would you expect to see strands of connective tissue within the pancreas and liver?

Because blood vessels are embedded in the pancreas and liver

Why would you expect to see strands of connective tissue within the pancreas and liver?

Because blood vessels are embedded in the pancreas and liver

What organ relys on the pancreas?

The pancreas produces enzymes and hormones which help digest food. Therefore, the pancreas is important to the stomach and the intestines. They both would not function without the pancreas.

What parts of the digestive system does food not pass through?

Almost any organ you can name does not touch the food: heart, pancreas, gall bladder, brain, eyes, prostate gland, kidneys, liver, lungs, genitalia. None of these come in contact with the food.

What affect would the pancreas have if the liver failed?

A big effect :P

What is largest endocrine gland?

Tiroid is the largest endocrine gland.thyroid

Which endocrine gland produces insulin?

Insulin is produced in the Pancreas. The liver stores Glucose used in Cellular Metabolism. When your body requires more Glucos, your Pancreas will secrete Insulin into the Liver and trigger the release of more Glucose. Your pancreas is located directly inferior of the Liver in the RUQ of the Abdomen.

What would the body do without the pancreas?

The pancreas secretes bile, a digestive enzyme, into the intestines. Food is broken up and nutrients carried out into the the blood. The pancreas secretes enzymes that include lipases that digest fat, proteases which digest proteins, and amylases which digest starch molecules.

Alcohol stay in urine?

No, would burn like hell. Your liver has to filter it out.. Well ur liver pancreas and kidneys...

Insulin is to the pancreas as?

Insulin is the to pancreas as bile is to the liver in the way that they each produce these things. Though there are many another analogies you could create that would be equally true, if not more accurate, such as, Insulin is the the pancreas as erythropoietin is to the kidneys.

How will the removal of pancreas affect digestion?

The pancreas secretes digestive enzymes that aid digestion in the small intestines; the removal of the pancreas would make it much more difficult to digest food. If the pancreas has to be removed for medical reasons (probably pancreatic cancer) then presumably, the patient would then take enzyme pills with his or her meals, to make up for the loss of the pancreas. Such a person would also suffer from severe diabetes, since the pancreas is also the organ that secretes insulin, and a person without a pancreas would require insulin injections as well.

What type of enzymes would you need to take if the pancreas is removed?

After a Pancreatectomy you need a mechanism to replace the three main enzymes that the pancreas produces (lipase, prolapse, amalase). I use Creon 25 for this, two per meal, one taken before the meal and one half way through. This product is made from pig pancreas extracts and allows me to digest my food along with Insulin injections and bile from my liver.