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In today's notation of Roman numerals the above numbers converted into Roman numerals are XIX, XLIX, CDXLIV, XCIX and CCCLXXXIX respectively. To perform any kind of arithmetical operations to these numerals is almost impossible.

However, notwithstanding the aforementioned the Romans probably worked out 19, 49, 444, 99 and 389 as IXX, IL, IVLD, IC and IXCD respectively in subtractive notation because:-

IXX is a simplification of XVIIII (-1+20=19)

IL is a simplification of XXXXVIIII (-1+50=49

IVLD is a simplification of CCCCXXXXIIII (-56+500+444)

IC is a simplification of LXXXXVIIII (-1+100=99)

IXCD is a simplification of CCCLXXXVIIII (-111+500=389)

Simplification is obtained by placing equal values to both sides of the numerals but in opposite directions and then tallied up in the following manner:-

IXX+IL = IILXX (19+49=68)

IILXX+IVLD = DXII (68+444=512)

DXII+IC = DCXI (512+99=611)

DCXI+IXCD = DD = M (611+389=1000)

In his reference book about ancient numeracy systems entitled "History of Mathematics" volume 2 by David Eugene Smith first published in 1925 and ISBN 0486 204 308 he gives examples of how the Romans would sometimes simplify their numerals in the above manner.

Today's rules governing the Roman numeral system were introduced during the Middle Ages but that was nearly a thousand years later when there were no longer any Romans around. Presumably the rules were made so that Roman numerals could be easily converted into Hindu-Arabic numerals that were gradually being introduced into Western Europe.

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Q: How would you add up 19 49 444 99 and 389 in Roman numerals giving step by step details and reasons for your answer?
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