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Nobody can tell you what to write - you must write what is in your own heart and mind. Copying what someone else has written leads to dull, boring writing that is not going to help you learn how to write better.

WikiAnswers is also not going to write your homework for you - you need to figure out how to write descriptions on your own if you want to write.

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Q: How would you describe an ostrich to a blind person?
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If i were a bind how would you describe to me the color blue?

I presume you mean 'a blind person'. Impossible to describe colours to a person who had been blind from birth.

How would you describe a tiger to a blind person?

awesome<3 A tiger is a rough creature

How would you describe the color to a blind person?

vibrant, stands out, unique, cheerful, bright,and eye catching

How do you describe the color gray to a blind person?

In order to describe the color gray to a blind person, it would be beneficial to connect it with one of the other senses. It may described as: the sound of footsteps on concrete, the smell of rain, the smooth texture of stainless steel.

How would you describe denim to a blind person?

Most blind people understand the concept of color, so you can say what color the denim is. You should describe everything else that does not involve sight - how it feels, smells, sounds, and maybe even tastes!

How would you describe a pizza to a blind person?

It contains tomato sauce, cheese, and bread with a variety of other toppings and/or ingredients.

How would you describe the color black to a blind person?

In my opinion, black is the easiest colour to describe to a blind person. Ask the person what they see? When they answer nothing, that is the colour of black. Dark, unseeable. Or at least that is how I would describe it.

What would you call a person helping a blind person?

Good Samaritan.

How would you describe a colored board to a blind person?

First thing I would like to know for this purpose is whether the person was blind by birth or due to any accident. If the person became blind due to any accident or disease, it will be easy to describe him. I would just tell him the name of the colors and their position on the said board. If the person was blind by birth, it will be little difficult but not impossible. I have read in many books that the person needs mind the most than eyes to see and imagine things. He must have formed some sign convention for almost everything in his mind. For example, his mother has been kind to him since his birth in spite of his blindness. He might have formed a sign for his mother as something soothing and caring. In the same water would be like something cold and hot or may be something pure. Using these sign conventions I would explain him a colored board.

What is your favorite color and how would you describe it to a person born blind?

Hello. my favorite color is.... green: talke the person under a shady tree blue:have them hold ice cubesred: fire- somthing hot in their hands.

Who would win puma or ostrich?

Puma would kill the ostrich.

How can you describe the colors in the rainbow to a blind person?

According to a user on the American Foundation for the Blind web site, it is difficult to describe different colors as they have no comparisons. And yet I found on another web site someone who had a valid point in comparing colors to every day objects. Blue would be ice, grass for green and so on.