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Q: How would you describe king arthur as a king?
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How would you describe King Arthur?

a righteous king

How would you describe king arthur as aking?


What did Merlin do before King Arthur become king?

he told arthur that he would be a great king, but then arthur met guinevere and Merlin told arthur if he married guinevere she would be his downfall and the downfall of his kingdom

Has King Arthur have gold?

Yes, as king, I'm certain Arthur would have had gold.

What did King Arthur discover about space?

King Arthur did not exist, and if he had he certainly would not have been able to get into space.

How can you describe King Arthur as a king locate a part in the story that will support your answer?

King Arthur is often described as a noble and just king who values chivalry and honor. In the legend of King Arthur, a good example of his qualities as a king is when he establishes the Knights of the Round Table, promoting equality and unity among his knights by having no head of the table.

Who was the magician that helped King Arthur?

merlin the enchanter was the person who raised king arthur and helped him

Was King Arthur a Norman?

No. The closest you can get to Camelot and King Arthur being real would be that King Arthur was actually a Roman who grew up in Britain and so later became King of "Camelot" Which probably didn't exist. :)

What was the religion of King Arthur?

King Arthur is character of folklore. If he had lived, as supposed ruler of Britain he would have been Christian.

What time did king arthur lived in?

King Arthur is a legendary king and did not exist.

What did King Arthur do everyday?

Every day, King Arthur would take lessons from Merlyn. He would also try to remove the sword from the stone, until he finally succeeded.

List 5 adjectives that could describe king Arthur?

Brave Good Helpful Generous Noblest