

How would you describe the first Mesopotamians like?

Updated: 8/17/2019
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12y ago

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kinda coolish you know what i mean jelly bean


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Q: How would you describe the first Mesopotamians like?
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The Mesopotamians were the first to invent the wheel. they invented a lot of stuff like the plow

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Where did the Mesopotamians worship their gods?

The Mesopotamians were the first civilization, so therefore, they "came up" with the first religion. The Mesopotamians were polytheistic, which means they worshipped many gods. The gods the Mesopotamians worshipped were based on the natural happenings, their harvest's, hurricanes, and they loved (especially) one god that they claimed "made" the Tigris and Euphrates rivers flood in the summertime every year, so the crops were extra rich from the silt in the water, which came from the mountains.

How did ancient Mesopotamians farm?

barley, wheet stuff like that

How did the Mesopotamians control the Tigris and Euphrates rivers?

the Mesopotamians would make levees. the levees helped store the water in one place .the levees led to an irrigation system .the irrigation systems would help water crops .the watered crops would lead to a food surplus which led to an increase of population and to division of labor.division of labor is since the Mesopotamians didn't have to worry about the droughts they had time to do other things like making pottery

What were the Mesopotamians like?

mesopotamians were genius people that invented many things like the wheel! They were even smarter because they settled in a place with rich soil that helped their planting very much.

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