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The religion of Sumerians is quite simple. The Sumerians practiced something called "Polytheism". They built a pyramid-like structure called "ziggurats", which consisted of four platforms. At the top of the ziggurat, there was a small temple which was where they worshiped their gods. They had astronomical bodies, such as the sun, too. Although their gods were unpredictable, the Sumerians thought out was to discover the gods held in store for them. Like all human cultures, the Sumerians were struck by the wondrous regularity of the movement of the heavens and speculated that this movement might contain some secret to the intentions of the gods. The Sumerians believed that aliens came from another planet. Every thousand years their planet came close enough to earth for them to travel here. Their atmosphere was made mostly of gold and was thinning. They mixed their DNA with monkeys to create Australopithecines. They continued to modify smarter and smarter life forms to mine Earth's gold for them, explaining why our change from monkeys as being as the fastest evolutionary change. It also explains why the Sumerian's origins are unknown, and why they were the most scientifically advanced civilization. If it weren't for the Sumerians we would not have bronze or the wheel, and it's quite possible that without their contributions to science, other civilizations wouldn't have even reached the bronze age.

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