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Q: How would you distribute agenda?
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What is the correct grammar to schedule it on your agenda or in your agenda?

Use on. Agenda means (a list of ) things to do.

What is a synonym of agenda?

A synonym of agenda would be schedule or itinerary.

What would most likely be on a governments public agenda?


Is a marketing program the same as a marketing plan?

The marketing program would implement the marketing plan. For example, part of your plan might be to distribute 500 flyers in a neighborhood. The program component would be to design, print, and actually distribute the flyers. A sub-component of this item on your plan would include the need to hire people to distribute the flyers. The program part of the sub-component would be to hire workers to distribute the flyers.

What is a final step in policy making?

There is no agenda and it would be evaluation, analysis THEN revise or improve is the final stage of policy process.

What is institutional agenda?

Institutional agenda is another term for Policy agenda.

What is an agend?

An agend is a task which needs to be carried out, such as you would place on an agenda.

If having all American citizens be able to read is part of American public agenda which policy would not be implemented to further the agenda?

stricter drug enforcement

Use agenda in a sentence?

I will adjust my agenda to include your meeting. He has a hidden agenda.

How do you distribute a math problem?

To distribute a math problem you have to multiply each number and carry it on the next number. Confusing.. but here... a(b+c) to distribute this you take the a and multiply by both would be ab+ac:)

What origin does agenda come from?

Agenda is take directly from Latin as an abriveiation for agenda sunt or agenda est, meaning 'to set in motion'

Who sets the agenda for a Called Session of the Texas legislature?

This would a special session which can only be called by the Govenor of Texas. The Governor also sets the agenda in a special session.