

How would you explain the term birth control?

Updated: 8/18/2019
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14y ago

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Anything that regulates when and how you get pregnant.

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Q: How would you explain the term birth control?
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There is no proof that birth control has a long term affect on being pregnant.

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Can being on birth control too long affect your bladder?

There are no known effects, short- or long-term, of birth control on bladder function.

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A child who takes three birth control pills may have some nausea, but no other short-term or long-term ill effects.

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The Spanish word for condom is "condón" or "preservativo".

Is there any long-term birth control for women that does not affect the menstrual cycle?

The copper IUD (brand name Paragard in the US) is a long-term, highly effective birth control method that does not change the timing of menstrual periods.

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inter uterine device...a form of birth control

How would you explain the term hear hear?

An exultation, such as applause.

What is the name of the medicine for long term birth control?

Nexplanon, Mirena, and Paragard provide birth control that lasts for years. Depo Provera provides three months of protection after each injection.

What is a diaphragm for women?

it is a sex tool used in intercourse_____________________________It is a barrier method of birth control which prevent sperm from entering the cervix. There is a technical term for women who rely on a diaphragm for birth control; they are called "mothers".

What is the suffix in the term perinatal?

The suffix in the term "perinatal" is "-natal," which refers to birth or relating to birth.

Is endocrine in birth control?

Endocrine is a medical term meaning relating to glands that make hormones. Estrogen and progestin are in the most common kinds of birth control pills; some others contain only progestin.