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imagine driving through the rocky mountains and the mountains towering over you thousands of feet. now imagine your driving the same road underwater.

the ocean floor is like the the rest of planet earth expect its underwater.

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Q: How would you explain the trenches at the bottom of the ocean to someone?
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What percentage of the ocean bottom is covered by trenches?


Where do you find ocean trenches and rift valleys?

at the very bottom of the ocean, usally

How is the oceans temp different?

At the top of the ocean, or Sunlit, It is warmer because the top of the ocean the sun is closer then it is to the twilight,dark,abyss, and trenches zone. At the bottom of the ocean, or Trenches, It is colder because the sun can not reach that low in the ocean better then it can the Sunlit zone.

How many trenches does the Atlantic ocean have?

there are three ocean trenches in the Atlantic Ocean

Where does the sediment on the abyssal plain come from?

It comes from sea mounts and ocean trenches.

Is the middle zone the bathypelagic zone?

Yes, underneath the epipelagic and mythepelagic zones, but over the bottom of the ocean and trenches still farther down than the bottom.

What deep sea vehicle has explored the bottom of the ocean?

The Triestes a Bathyscaph. In the 1960's I believe. But nothing has every been to the bottom of the trenches and came back.

Explain what plate tectonics and ocean trenches have in common?

Ocean trenches and volcanoes both occur where continental plates collide, or meet. An Ocean trench is also noted for the presence of a volcanic arc. This is right no joke:)

Trenches are the deepest parts of the ocean floor which of the earth's four oceans hs the deepest trenches?

The Pacific Ocean has the deepest trenches.

What ocean has many deep valleys or trenches?


What is the floor of the ocean called?

yes, the ocean does have a floor at the very bottom and there are many different ocean floor features there such as mid-ocean ridges, rift zones and also ocean trenches. hope this helps

Where do giant squids live in deep oceans trenches or mid ocean trenches?

Giant squid primarily live in deep ocean trenches.