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The Pacific Ocean has the deepest trenches.

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Q: Trenches are the deepest parts of the ocean floor which of the earth's four oceans hs the deepest trenches?
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Related questions

Where do giant squids live in deep oceans trenches or mid ocean trenches?

Giant squid primarily live in deep ocean trenches.

Why are trenches usually located at the edges of oceans?

the sharks are attracted by trenches which go to edges of ocean and bite holes in the ocean floor

What is a long deep hole in the ocean floor?

ocean volcanos Sometimes they're called trenches. The Marianas Trench in the Pacific is the deepest point in all the world's oceans.

Is a trench found on ocean floor?

Yes, ocean trenches are a long, narrow, deep depression in the ocean bed.They typically run parallel to a plate boundary.The Marianas Trench is the deepest part of the world's oceans.

What are the deepest part of the ocean floor?

The deepest parts of the ocean floor are caused by plate tectonic subduction and occur where the sea floor sinks back into the mantle in a subduction zone. These areas are called deep sea trenches and the Challenger Deep in the Mariana Trench in the Pacific is the deepest known point in Earth's oceans.

Are deep ocean trenches mostly located in the middle of ocean basin?

No, most ocean trenches (Japan, Mariana, Tonga, South Sandwich, Puerto Rico) are located along the margins of the oceans.

What are all the physical features in Guyana?

Some physical features of Guyana are The Great Kieateur Falls,trenches,oceans,rivers.

How does the ocean profile affect the worlds oceans?

By the oceanic trenches, causing erosion, earthquakes, etc. It can decrease or increase the depth of the ocean.

How is the oceans temp different?

At the top of the ocean, or Sunlit, It is warmer because the top of the ocean the sun is closer then it is to the twilight,dark,abyss, and trenches zone. At the bottom of the ocean, or Trenches, It is colder because the sun can not reach that low in the ocean better then it can the Sunlit zone.

What is the deepest ocean where the trench is found?

You don't record oceans, you see the oceans from space or know the oceans are there or swim in the oceans (although you wouldn't want to swim in the Arctic Ocean), and that is not recording. The Pacific and Atlantic Ocean both travel from one end of the world to the other, so they're both equally long. this answer is not available sorry try later

Are Ceolocanths extinct?

No, they are not. Many scientists believed that they were, but they recently found that hundreds or more of them still live across the shallow trenches of different oceans.

How do plate movements form oceans trenches?

As plates move toward each other, one plate sinks under the other plate.