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Q: How would you find the origin of a weaving- Artist is YURAF have pics as well?
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Would you please use 'weaving' in a sentence?

My cousin has her own loom and has been weaving for many years.

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Automatic weaving looms would be used in a Textile Factory.

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I would have to say a occuption in the relations of a tattoo artist would probably be a regular artist or a piercer.

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That would depend on who the artist is.

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Mexican would be since it is derived from Mexico, a proper name. Artist would not be capitalised.

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Actually there are two different countries listed as origin for the name "Seniha". One origin would be the country "Turkey". Another origin would be the country "Macedonia".

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She delayed her marriage telling her suitors that when she was done weaving she would marry. Every night though, she undid her weaving that she had completed that day. This delayed her marriage a very long time, until a maid walked in when she was undoing her weaving. the maid told the suitors and yada yada yada...

Where to buy weaving loom kits for kids?

I would buy it in target Walmart or Michel's arts and crafts

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Who is the artist of shugo chara?

That would be Peach-Pit the artist of Rozen Maiden, and DearS