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Q: How would you sell a product to a customer and make them want to come back?
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When does customer service happen?

when customers come back to get more product or service in stead of leaving or complaining.

How would you celebrate a customer's purchase?

The celebration a customer purchase means to convince customer come back again when we will have new arrivals or big sale. Tell customer that the product he bought will look very good on him(her) and probably that you have bought the same products and liked it very much. And of course wish a great day lol

Why is it important to satisfy customer?

So they'll come back.

How you would refuse the sale of alcohol to a customer who did not have proper identification?

Say to the customer, "Sorry, we can't sell this to you without proper identification, but if you were to come back at a later time with the proper documentation we would be happy to serve you."

What is feeling the customer want to come back to your business?

Welcome back friend and be the force with you.

What are 5 things to make a customer come back?

Convinience, price, friendliness, customer support and honest dealing

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I would go to a local catering company for something like this. Before going, I would contact customer service to make sure they carry the product you are looking for.

How do you identify good customer service?

Happy customers that come back to receive more of the service. or Undertake a customer review of the service.

How do you analyze customer feedback?

you can analyze customer feed back threw customer surveys, or comment boxes that don't come to the customer as an inconvenience or bothersome while providing what ever service your providing

What is push and pull promotion?

push promotion is "taking the product to the customer"pull promotion involves "getting the cusomter to come to you"

Where is your steam product key?

Steam prints their product keys on the back of the pamphlets that come inside of the game cases.

How do you convience the customer to buy the new medical products?

Remember that customers don't buy products, they buy the benefits that come from using them. You need to look at your new product, make a list of the key features and the benefits they bring to the customer. What does the new product do that makes it better, faster, easier to use, more cost effective or any number of other things that would add value to the customer experience? Presenting the benefits you have identified in terms of what they mean to the customer should lead to sales.