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Q: How would you treat a scorpion sting if you were a pioneer?
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Will a scorpion bite hurt or itch?

With a scorpion, it would actually be a sting instead of a bite. The sting will likely be painful and swell a bit. It might go numb around the sting itself.

How would you cure a scorpion sting in 1848 on hackers trail?

ice soap and water

How would a pioneer treat pneumonia?

They couldn't

How does a scorpion sting you?

The scorpion poison goes to the heart and blocks all the arteries therefore stopping the blood to be pumped

If a cat got stung by a scorpion is it deadly to the cat?

It would depend entirely on the type of scorpion. Some scorpions are really deadly, even to humans, while others just have a painful sting that is not really poisonous.

What other acids to treat abee sting?

A bee sting should not be treated with anything acid since it would not help alleviate the pain or reaction.

How would you treat snake bites in pioneer times?

there was many ways to treat snake bites one thing is you would suck all the poison out but that coukd get you killed\\o

Who would win centipede or scorpion?

A scorpion

Are water scorpions poisonous?

Scorpions are surrounded by much myth and are generally considered more dangerous animals than they usually are. They are night creatures from the spider family, and hunt - and are hunted by - insects, lizards, mice and so on. The largest is the South African Scorpion which can reach over 8 inches long, but most are only a couple of inches. Even then most deaths from stings that do occur are in babies and the elderly or result from hypersensitivity to the venom through anaphylactic shock. People who live around scorpions usually treat their stings as we would treat a wasp sting. i.e. painful but not life-threatening. P.S They are unable to sting what they are standing on if quite a flat surface, so you're reasonably safe if one has crawled onto your arm or leg.., until you try to pick it up!

Who would win between Kazuya and Scorpion?


Can cephalexin be used for bee sting infections?

Cephalexin is popularly used to treat infections contracted from injuries. A normal bee sting would only require cleaning and pain medications. If your bee sting becomes infected, then see a doctor who might prescribe you with Cephalexin.

How did pioneers cure scorpion stings?

Take scorpion venom and dissolve it with alcohol/water, dilute in a ratio of 9:1 and succuss (strike forcefully) 10 times, take a tenth portion of that and repeat dilution and succussion step 12 times, to create a 12X potency remedy. Take a portion immediately, save the rest for future emergency.