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Q: How would your life be different if you were someone else?
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The overwhelming probability is that someone else would have discovered it and invented it, and life would not be particularly different.

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• Someone who interferes in someone else's life is called a 'meddler.' Obviously.....

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I think someone else would have stepped up in his shoes and I think we would probably be where we're at right now

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Suicide is taking of one's own life and homicide is murder, or killing someone else.

A book about someones life is called?

a biography

Does anyone have any stories about their life or relationships to write a song about?

Why in the world would you want to write about someone else's life?! Write a song about your life, or about the life you would want to have if you could!

How would life be different if Ferdinand Magellan had not make the discovery?

Nothing. Some one was bound to at some point.

If you had a thousand dollars would it change your life?

Depends on your status.... Personally it would be nice but it would change someone else's more. For example, giving it to someone more needing.

Can I get someone elses life?

There is a book called 'Someone else's life' by Katie Dale

What is the life story of of someone told by someone else?

an autobiography

What is a person life story called when they die and someone else write it?

When someone else writes about someone who is deceased, it is called a biography.