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if truly that husband is truly infected by hepatitis b virus, he can prevent to his ww ifeIF wife by not having sexual intercourse with his wife, and by not sharing sharp object with his wife.

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Q: Husband is infected by hepatitis b can he prevent to his wife?
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When hepatitis virus has no vaccine to prevent the disease?

Hepatitis C and hepatitis E have no vaccine to prevent the disease. Although there is no vaccine to prevent hepatitis D, you can only get this type if you're also infected with type B. Therefore, hepatitis B vaccine indirectly prevents hepatitis D.

How can viral hepatitis be prevented?

The best way to prevent any form of viral hepatitis is to avoid contact with blood and other body fluids of infected individuals. The use of condoms during sex also is advisable.

How does healthy eating prevent Hepatitis?

Some foods that can prevent Hepatitis has vitamins in them that can help prevent hepatitis. Also, having a balanced diet can help too.

Can you prevent Hepatitis A?

Hepatitis A is a communicable disease spread by oral transmission through contaminated water and food and personal contact with infected person and preventive measures include pure drinking water, clean food and personal hygeine.

How is Hepatitis B prevented?

There's a Hepatitis B vaccine that can prevent it.

How do you prevent hepatitis B?

There is a vaccine for it.

Is there a vaccine for Hepatitis?

Yes, but only for two types of viral hepatitis, hepatitis A and hepatitis B. There are no vaccines yet to prevent hepatitis C, D, or E. See the related question below for more information.

What is the best way to prevent hepatitis?

kill all the junkies

Which types of jaundice can be prevented by vaccination?

Vaccines for hepatitis A, hepatitis B, and yellow fever can prevent jaundice due to viral infection.

What is the cure in hepatitis b surface antigen?

At present, there is no cure for Hepatitis B. There is a vaccine that will prevent it, however.

What is hepitites?

Hepatitis is a disease that infects the liver and makes you feel sick overall. There are several types of hepatitis. Hepatitis A Hepatitis B and Hepatitis C. They can be dangerous diseases and difficult to treat. It must be treated by medical professionals and should not be ignored. There are some vaccine's to help prevent certain hepatitis conditions. See your doctor.

Learning About Hepatitis A?

Hepatitis A is a virus that leads to liver problems. The liver is responsible for fighting infections, storing nutrients and energy, and filtering toxins from the blood. It is important to understand the symptoms and treatments of the disease. Risks For Developing Hepatitis A Anyone can contact this disease. However, certain circumstances raise the likelihood of developing the condition. For example, traveling to a developing country, drug use, and having unprotected sex with an infected person may raise the chances of developing Hepatitis A. A person gets this disease through close contact with an infected individual. Eating food that was prepared by an infected person or coming into contact with infected stool may lead to Hepatitis A as well. Also, drinking untreated water may lead to the disease. Symptoms Of Hepatitis A A person with Hepatitis A may have no symptoms. However, others may experience fatigue, muscle pain, fever, nausea, diarrhea, yellowing of the skin, and light colored stool. These symptoms may occur weeks after initial contraction, which means that the incubation period can be long. Treatment For Hepatitis A When a person suspects that Hepatitis A is present, it is important to visit a doctor. Blood tests will be performed to detect the disease. Without treatment, a person may feel better in a few weeks. However, for lingering symptoms, a doctor may prescribe medicine or other over-the-counter remedies. How To Prevent Hepatitis A To prevent the contraction of Hepatitis A, a person can receive a vaccine against the disease. It can also be prevented by being vigilant to dispose of sewage correctly and practicing good personal hygiene. When traveling to underdeveloped nations, it is wise to consider getting an immunization. This is a simple means of prevention. Hepatitis A is a serious disease that is preventable. A person should take cation when dealing with an infected person. It is imperative to wash hands and avoid sexual relations. A blood test will help to diagnose the disease, and a person should consult a doctor when treatment is necessary.