

Best Answer
  • The fact your husband cared enough to tell you about his emotional affair even though he knew it would hurt you took some fortitude on his part and his guilt has compelled him to be honest which most men seldom are. Never mind if he slept with her or not, but relish in the thought he loved you enough to tell you the truth. Humans make mistakes and your husband made one. It will take time for you to trust him again, but in time you will. Remember, he didn't have to tell you.
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Q: Husband told me he had a 6 month emotional affair with a coworker and he kissed her once but is there a way to tell if he slept with her and just told me as little as possible because it hurt me?
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The brain rests during REM sleep and it is the first few seconds after the person wakes up that they remember their dream or nightmare. A human dreams every half hour in order for the entire body to release the tension of the day. If a person is worried their husband may be cheating because they may not be getting along in their marriage or, the wife has a jealous nature your husband may have simply mentioned something about the coworker or you are afraid if he is working late or seems disinterested in you that he is having an affair with this coworker. It dangerous to second guess whether your husband is cheating because he may well not be. Couples should always work on communication skills and feel free to discuss anything together. They are just not husband and wife, but should be best friends. You could mention the dream to your husband with a smile on your face and see what his reaction is. If you are having marriage problems then both of you need to sit down and decide if you even want to live together and if so then you both need to work on bettering your marriage. If you both cannot resolve it then a marriage counselor can give a married couple skills to resolve many of their problems.

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What to do when your husband has an emotional affair. I caught my husand chatting online and he admitted to an emotional affair. Should I confront the other woman or tell her unknowing husband?

I do am sorry that you had found out your husband's secret. Emotional affair is the hardest affair that can happen to someone. I know because it happened to me, a while ago. If your husband admitted his relationship with ths other woman and they haven't met yet, you can still control your husband. The two of you needs to talk about what's going on with him. Ask him why he didn't have no problem talking to this woman on line about things in his life but he can't with you. Ask him how deep his involvement with her, but don't let him manipulate you, because he will tell you that " he didn't plan it" it just happen. Most married men who got caught with affairs, emotional or physical will say that " it's just happen." If your husband didn't plan it or even open up to her, he will not become emotionally involve with her. BTW the man that I married also told me that he didn't plan it, it just happen. Being emotionally involve with this woman, expect they already shared an intimate feelings to each others. What if, how it will feel, will be some of the intimate words that they talked or fantasized. When and if your husband stop talking to her, watch your husband, his behaviour will change because he will be thinking about the other woman. It just like trying to stop drinking, If you are planning to talk to her husband don't, it's the other woman that you need talk to, so she will know what ever your husband told her or even complain to her about you she will know the truth. If she don't listen to you, that's when you tell her that you will talk to her husband. But for now take care of yourself and make sure you talk to one of your friends or family.

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It depends on the conscience and compassion of a person to know how a coworker feels. It is not hard for many to imagine how a coworker feels because to be empathetic means to put oneself in another's place.