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Nonpolar substances that repel water molecules.

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13y ago
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12y ago

they wont mix together and they will repel each other.

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10y ago

It forms a layer on top of the water. Water does not dissolve oil since water is polar and oil is not. The oil is ontop of the water since it is less dense than the water.

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Q: Hydrophobic substances such as vegetable oil are?
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How would you define hydrophobic substance?

All substances that are water repelling are considered hydrophobic substances. Ex: Oil, Waxes, etc..

When you mix thick vegetable oil and water together why does the vegetable oil sit on the top?

Vegetable oil is denser then water, so it floats on top. Oil is also a lipid, which is hydrophobic, meaning it does not like water. They do not mix.

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These substances are called immiscible; for example water and vegetable oil.

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What substances like vegetable oil and hydrocarbons are?

These are organic compounds.

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Some hydrophobic substances are soluble in water (ex.: proteins).

Why is vegetable oil non polar?

It is non-polar because it is a carbonic compound.

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Water does not dissolve everything. Some substances dont mix with water. Those are hydrophobic substances, ex: oil molecules

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Water does not dissolve everything. Some substances dont mix with water. Those are hydrophobic substances, ex: oil molecules

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Yes, it can. The polarity of both solvent and solute is low meaning both are hydrophobic compounds or substances

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