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well.. it depends, are you friends with her ? if you are then maybe she jsut took a pic of you as a laugh then had a look at it.

How do you no if she was looking at the pic of you?

maybe she just wanted a pic of you:L

you should jsut ask her if she isn't you friend and your not aqquitanced with her.

ask her alone so she doesnt feel unsecure.

good luck.

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Q: I'm a girl and another girl took my picture and I acted like I didn't realize and she went with the camera alone to the corner of the room and stared at the pic does it mean she likes me or she's lesb?
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How do I unload a manual film camera without getting light leaks?

After rewinding the film, you can open the camera and take out the spool in a darkened corner of the room.

How do I save pictures in my windows8 Gmail?

open the picture u got in a mail in gmail , when u will open it u will see a download sign on top right corner or left corner ,search for the symbol . click on it and it will ask u the location in which u want to save our picture, select location and click save ,and the pic is downloaded

Where is wenda camera in the future?

in the bottom right hand corner, in the open space between the playground and the coffee shop for humans, there is a man in red pants and a blue shirt, and red gloves. the camera is in between his legs.

What angle in photography is shot from the ground?

There is no single answer to this question. It depends on the shot being taken, the lens being used and the artistic or functional purpose of the picture. In general, take the picture from two angles if you have time. Look for an interesting angle, squat down and take the picture at a view other than your eye level. I love to sit down on the floor and take pictures of children at their eye level or stand on a chair in a crowded room, just to get 18 inches difference in my angle, it shows how full the room is. Examples: Portraits are usually taken where the lens is at eye-level for a visually comfortable picture. If the purpose was the make a person look smaller or perhaps childlike the camera might be raised to look slightly down on the subject. In the same way, lowering a camera will make subjects loom large in the frame and create an effect of power or dominance (this may not register consciously) Wide-angle nature vista photos are often taken with the camera lens 8-12 inches off the ground, with an interesting foreground element. This gives the picture great depth, with a huge sky and a tiny flower in the same exposure. When photographing buildings I like to move to one corner of the building and take a picture of the front of the building, this gives the picture depth and creates interesting graphic vectors in the frame. If you need a shot of the front of a building getting the camera lens about 1/2 to 2/3 of the way from the ground to the height of the top of the building will make it look more inviting. Staying close and shooting up will make it loom large in the frame, like with portraits. In situations where this is not possible specially designed lenses can compensate for the effect, or digital software can be used after the picture is taken.

How do you prevent a flag from blowing on roof?

You might prevent a flag from might lowing on a roof by placing the flag in a corner space that is protected. You can also remove the flag when the weather is windy.

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click the camera in the top left corner

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There's a camera button on the top right corner of your screen. Click that, and you can change the settings and then press the large camera button on the bottom left corner of your screen to take a picture.

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Go into your camera app. In the lower right hand corner, there should be a switch. There is a picture of a camera and a video camera. Slide it over to the video camera. Instead of a "take picture" button, there should be a red recording symbol. Press it and video away!

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you click on the camera in the upper right hand corner.

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You have to click on the little recording camera or camera in the bottom left corner to either film or take a picture. It is very simple. Once you press it, it takes the picture or starts recording. If you are recording something, to stop the film, click the stop button in the top right corner. Thank you for reading!

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To take a picture in the Sims 3, press the C button or click on the little camera in the bottom left hand corner of the screen.

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Diagonal LineA diagonal line goes from one corner to another corner. See picture at the Related Link.

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You go to the camera on the top left corner of the page. It will have 3 options. Click the one that says change profile picture. And there you have it.

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Yes you can, simply go on your camera and on the top left corner there will be a camcorder sign. Press that and it will change from camera to camcorder. Then press the same button to take a picture and Voila! You are now filming.

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You take a picture on the iPad 2 when you first buy it and if you don't see the iPad camera you can go to the app store and some where in the corner it says search and you press camera and there it is!

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Find the picture, go to PRINT PREVIEW under the word in the top left corner that says FILE, and then fool with the settings until the picture is int the corner.

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Yes , the LG Xenon does have a lock button . It is located next to the camera button. ( right bottom corner ) And if you cant find it , the button has a picture of a lock.