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IF YOU ARE A YOUNG LADY, MY SUGGESTION WOULD BE TO WAIT ON HIM...DO NOT TELL HIM YOU LIKE HIM...JUST BE YOUR NICE SELF AND HE WILL SEE THAT IF HE'S INTERESTED IN YOU.. IF HE'S NOT INTERESTED, AND HE KNOWS YOU ARE ,HE COULD TAKE ADVANTAGE OF YOU...AND YOU DON'T WANT THAT, SO BE CAREFUL. No! keep that to yourself treat him with the same respect that you would like to receive. Let him show you that he likes you notice I said show you and if he doesn't don't waste your time and you've lost nothing. Women have always stood by the man whether he was hers or not always giving it up that's why when there is a breakup it hurts so much. you give up too much to soon. If he wants you let him come after you but if he goes for someone else then you know that you were the only one with the feelings.

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13y ago

don't make it obvious that you like him just take him somewhere to talk and just be like i think i like you more than a friend if hes surprised then say just kidding and try again a different way.

i would say you should just come out and tell him it is the best way to know if he likes you or not and if he says no that is ok thaat is why you try and maybe if he says that he likes you it will turn out great best luck to you

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13y ago

I assume you are Gay? Is he? It makes a difference. If you both are then just tell him. Joe, I really like you. Nothing too hard about that. You are Gay, he isn't or neither of you are and you just like him as a person. Not much different. Joe, I really like having you as a friend. You don't have any relationship with him and he doesn't know who you are. That's stalking. Find a common interest, make casual contact and see where it goes. Walk up to a total stranger and tell him you really like him and you will probably get a punch in the nose.

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Q: I'm a guy and I don't know how to tell the guy you like you like him?
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dont tell him u lyk him first. u have to get to know him before u tell him otherwise he will be freaked out...

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if you like him, tell him, if you don't like him, especially tell him!

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Not unless you tell him. Men dont read minds.

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My suggestion is to find out if he is gay first. Then get the courage to get to know him and things will follow.

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Just talk to him. Or get one of your friends to tell him.

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well what you need to do is just come out and tell him how you feel about him. How can a guy now you like him if you dont him. see im a guy, some us just want to know, but its a little hard if you dont tell him.

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just say to him , I have a secret, i like someone , but if i tell you will you be mad? if he says yes dont tell him its you , if he says no then you know he wont care

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If a guy likes you he will tell you dont wait around for him to finally realize how great you are go for the guy you know likes you hes the real keeper. especially if hes bold enough to tell you.

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tell him you dont like him anymore

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Yes someone can help you, but i think you should tell this guy you like never know, he could feel the same way:)

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no its not if you realy like vampires its up to you. but if you dont want anyboby to know dont tell them