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No, not even similar. Sodium chloride is common salt. Sterile water is water that has been totally purified.

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8y ago

No, these substances are different.

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Why sodium chloride is not in the aqueous state?

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Is elemental sodium sodium chloride?

No, they are not the same thing. Elemental sodium (Na) is a soft silvery metal that violently burns up when water touches it. Sodium Chloride (NaCl) is the scientific name for table salt - the same stuff you put on food.

Is sodium the same as sodium chlorite?

NO!!! Chlorine is a green/yellow poisonous gas. Sodium chloride is a white solid.

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The (yellow) sodium color is the same in all.

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Sodium chloride and chlorhexidine are very different compounds.

Is the compound sodium chloride the same as the element chloride sodium or the element chlorine?

No. Sodium chloride is quite different from either of its component elements.

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Is sodium chloride the same as carbon dioxide?

Sodium chloride is NaCl. Carbon dioxide is CO2.

Why do halite and sodium chloride have the same chemical formula?

Because halite is also sodium chloride.

Is common salt and sodium chloride the same?

yes, common table salt is sodium chloride.

Is salt the same as sodium?

No, salt is not the same as sodium. Salt is sodium chloride, not just sodium by itself.