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Don't feel huge! You must be a woman to ask this, because if you were a man, I don't think you would feel huge at 165. If you are, indeed, a woman, get more exercise and eat healthier foods if you feel like you are too big. Your metabolism is still in HIGH gear at 21 years old and losing a few pounds will be easier than you realize. I don't know at 5'7" what you are "supposedly" supposed to weigh. You probably don't LOOK as huge as you think! After all, you are nice and tall! And the more healthy foods you eat, the less you are going to want the non-healthy ones! Slow down on eating red meat, and stop if possible. (Stopping is my own opinion, of course.) Do have an occasional sweet - or you may feel deprived and give up your newly developed habit. Just try to eat a small amount! Trust me. Eating healthy does and WILL happen...and sooner than you won't want much of any "sweets" after 2 weeks! Good luck at your goal, but remember to be happy now, no matter how you feel! I'm sure you are a beautiful person. Stand with confidence and when talking with others, look them in the eyes. You deserve respect as a person...(like everyone else). The older you get, the wiser you will be towards eating healthier and exercising. Start your healthy habits NOW and I'm sure you'll be where you want to be FAST! Keep this up and you will reap the benefits for a long, long time!!! I wish someone had told me this when I was 21...Id have been in better shape a long time ago! - Sign me, Pretty Darn Healthy @ 44!

Hope I helped (even a little)!

Any doctor's office will have some type of scale (height vs. weight) to see or take home. I'm sure that all health departments will give you any info you want for free. Just grab all the pamphlets you need!

Remember, above all, you can do whatever you set your mind to and become whomever you want. Who you become will always "OUTWEIGH" whatever you think of yourself now. You are only in one season of your life today. Live it to the fullest, learn as much as you can, be kind to others and put on a smile!

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Q: I am 21 years old 5'7 and 165 lbs I feel huge... What do others weigh at this height?
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