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Do not bring your diet down to only 500 calories! That would be starving yourself, and as soon as you ate a little more than that all the weight would come back on, or if your like me you may get fed up in the middle of your diet and just binge eat. so best bet is to just have a healthy diet and exercise daily.

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Q: I am 220 pounds and 5'9 If I reduce my diet to 500 calories per day how much weight would I lose in 2 weeks?
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How long will it take to lose 71 pounds and any tips?

Doctors agree that losing more than three pounds per week is unhealthy and should be avoided. Therefore, someone needing to lose around 71 pounds should expect it to take around 23 weeks to lose the weight. To lose weight and keep it off, reduce calories from unhealthy foods while increasing exercise.

Can you eat 500 calories per day and lose 6 pounds in 2 weeks?

you would die if you ate that many calories. to lose weigh find out how many calories you should be eating for your current weight and then find out how many calories you should be eating for your target weight. slowly inch your calories down to that target weight range. and really you should ask your doctor about weight loss. to see if you even need it.

What is Normal Weight Loss?

For many people, weight loss is viewed as something that should happen quickly. However, studies show that the slower you take off the weight, the better chance you have of keeping it off for good. Normal weight loss is defined as between 1/2 pound and 2 pounds per week, depending on your size and how much weight you have to lose. For 2 pounds of weight loss each week, you need consume 7,000 fewer calories each week. An easy way to do this is to reduce daily food intake by 500 calories daily, and then exercise an additional 500 calories daily.

Why is it that when you starve yourself for a while - a week or so - you only lose 3 to 5 pounds when you want to lose more?

There are thousands of calories in a pound, so even if you skip a whole weeks calories its difficult to lose too much weight. Additionally, by starving yourself you slow down metabolism and slow the weight loss process more. If you wanna lose more weight, take the time to do diet and exercise and give yourself weeks, not days, to lose pounds.

What is the fastest diet to lose ten pounds?

The best way to lose ten pounds is to calculate, based on one's current body weight, how many calories are required to maintain that weight. A pound of weight is 3500 calories. If the calorie intake is reduced by 500 calories each day, a pound will be lost in seven days (one week). If only a ten pound weight loss is desired, it is unlikely that the individual would want to drop 1000 calories per day from the usual intake, so it would probably take ten weeks to lose the last ten pounds, which is much more difficult than losing the first 10 pounds of a significant amount of weight.

How many calories should I eat per day if I am 5'8 and weight 128 and am trying to lose weight?

it isn't how many calories you need to loose it is how many do you need to eat and how much exersizing should you do!! i have done lots of things to loose weight and honestly the thing that i keep going back to is weight watchers it is easy and once you have learned the way to do it you do not need to go to meetings forever... learn th systema and it is awesome... i lost 17 pounds in 6 weeks first time ad 15 pounds in 8 weeks the second time!!!

How can a 154 pound person gain 10 pounds in 2 weeks?


What are the best weight loss goals?

1 to 2 pounds a weeks is a healthy rate to lose weight. The first few weeks will certainly be much faster, as much as 5 pounds or so. But you didn't gain all the weight in a few weeks, so don't expect to lose it in a few weeks.

What is a good diet menu?

If you want to lose weight, you must take in fewer calories than you burn in the course of a day. To figure out how much this is, go to You will calculate the calories needed to maintain your current weight. This is followed by an explanation of what causes weight loss (deficit calories). If you cut 500-1000 calories per day, you will lose 1-2 pounds per weeks. Add daily exercise to the plan, and you will lose more weight. For meal planning, go to

How much weight can you lose in 11 weeks?

About 25-30 pounds

How long would it take to lose 5 pounds and also eating 1000 calories a day?

if you eat about 1000-1200 calories and workout around 4 days and 2 hours then you should see the weight come off in 2 weeks!!(: -good luck

How do you lose 20 lbs in 5 weeks?

To lose 20 pounds, you need to spend 70,000 more calories than you consume. That is 10,000 calories per week or 1,428 calories per day. The suggested calorie deficit for healthy weight loss is a 500 calorie per day deficit.