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No! You're anorexic if you are underweight because of poor (if any) eating habits. If you eat like a pig but weigh 85 lbs, you are simply a person with a sonic speed metabolism!!! My brother is the same height as you, and weighs 82 lbs (but he is 10 years old). But he eats huge amounts! So I don't think you have anything to worry about. thats the same with me...i am also 5'2 and 13 and i also eat at tremendous speeds...but i dont gain any its all got to do with my genetics...and the same as you..genetics play a big role with weight

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Q: I am a 5'2 13 year old girl what should my average weight be because i weigh about 85lbs but i eat like a pig am I anorexic?
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I HAVE NOT MEnstruated for 11 years and have not put on weight am anorexic now i am bleeding why?

That is definitely not normal, and you should see a doctor or a specialist ASAP. It does not mean that you are anorexic just because you have not put on weight, though.

Can fat people be anorexic I am 13 5 2' and 170 pounds...?

They can be bulimic but not anorexic. Actually, a person can certainly be mentally anorexic regardless of their weight. I believe that weight or BMI should not be so important when diagnosing anorexia. Anyone can be psychologically anorexic.

Can you have anorexia at a normal weight?

Usually if you are anorexic you are not eating enough and if the person was obese and they became anorexic they would be at a normal weight for a while but then they would just get skinnier and skinnier because they cant control it because it is a disease.

I am 5.8 and 7.6 am I under weight because I want to lose more weight because I want to be like anorexic?

I will get down to the point and tell you firmly....DO NOT BE LIKE AN ANOREXIC!If you do, in while you might get more into it and have the eating disorder itself....It's completely pathetic saying you want to be anorexic. I would much rather be a comfy size 10 then an ultra skinny 0, because to be honest, anorexic people look really bad.

Anorexic without losing weight?

Impossible, actually. Once you're anorexic you are going to keep losing weight, until you are the most anorexic you can be, and then you'll eventually die. Why would you want to be anorexic without losing weight? Isn't that the whole POINT of anorexia?

Do anorexic people drink coffee?

Anorexic people have aversions to food because they think they are "fat" of over-weight. Some will drink coffee without cream or sugar.

I am 13 years old 5 foot 7 and weigh 96 pounds. I wanna gain weight but healthy weight. ( my parents think im anorexic because im constantly counting calories) do you know how many calories i shouls e?

You might not be anorexic, but you are underweight. You should get about 2250 calories per day until your weight goes up. Slow weight-gain is healthier than the quick kind.

How do you spell anirexic?

The word is spelled anorexia. It describes a condition in which a person loses weight, deliberately or because of another illness. Anorexia patients are called anorexic.

You are a vegetarian and you need to loose 20 lbs you are going to become anorexic what should you eat?

You should never strive to be anorexic. Anorexia is a dangerous physical and mentla condition. The best way to lose the weight is through healthy dieting and exercise.

Why do people judge anorexia teens?

I guess if they tease them then they are just jealous of them. For Example, If someone teased you because YOU were anerexic, you would not appreciate it but you would know they were just jealous. Although I must admit, the anorexic teenager, should probably get some help to try and gain weight, believe me I would know. I know a girl who stopped eating and went anorexic, she then got very sick and almost died! Lucky they got her to a hospital in time. Trust me, that person should not be jealous because they should know if they were anorexic, they have the chance to die. The anorexic girl could also die. Therefore, if you were a good enough friend, you would get her some help.

What happens if you are anorexic and eat a lot in one meal and do you gain weight because of it?

No. It takes 3,500 calories to gain a solid pound of body weight. One meal will not do that.

Are The Veronicas anorexia?

the veronicas are not anorexic. they are just naturally thin although they did lose some weight in 2008. they are not anorexic though.