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Q: I am a travian user I want to extend my clay resource field but don't have enough crop but I cant extend my crop field because I dont have enough clay what can i do?
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What would likely extend the Earth's supply of a non-renewable resource?

Moving to renewable energy for electricity would extend the Earth's supply of the fossil fuel oil.

What are ways to extend the life of the resource Uranium?

By recycling nuclear fuels and using the residual uranium 238 in rapid nuclear reactors.

If you stroke your penis long enough will it extend in length?

Not permanently, just if you get a erection.

How can Betelgeuse look so bright?

Betelgeuse is bright because it is a huge star known as a red supergiant. If it was where our sun was, it would be big enough to extend out beyond the planet Mars.

What does 'good managers are resource myopic' mean?

focus on the what is needed right now. Great managers extend their vision to resources needed downstream

Are minerals renewable or non - renewable resources?

They are nonrenewable. They are a finite resource no matter how vast the quantity. They can be recycled in some cases such as iron to extend their useful life.

How far into the Gulf of Mexico does Alabama lands extend?

It goes just far enough to meet the water

Are minerals renewable resources or non renewable resources?

They are nonrenewable. They are a finite resource no matter how vast the quantity. They can be recycled in some cases such as iron to extend their useful life.

How long can a snake survive without a body is it possible to extend its life by giving it nutritions?

The snake can live up to one or two weeks without its body because it has enough energy to survive with only its brain.

What clouds extend through all layers?

The clouds that are known to extend through all the layers are the cumulonimbus clouds. They can do this because they are stacked vertically.

What is 'motion to extend' in Bankruptcy?

A motion to extend the time in which to file an objection to discharge is just that, it extends the time in which an objection can be filed. The question is not specific enough, but the answer is likely found in the body of the motion. What extension of time is requested?

Your ankle clicks when you extend it what is wrong with it?

One reason your ankle may click when you extend it is because of arthritis. Only your doctor will be able to give you an exact diagnosis after he examines it.