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Several things could be happening here. 1. He could be cheating on you. 2. He could be using you. 3. He could have an emotional block because of a bad relationship or tragedy in the past and is afraid to get close. 4. He have a commitment phobia. 5. He doesn't even realize he is being distant. You should talk to him about this and approach it lightly. Explain to him that you are worried for him and your relationship and that you want to get closer to him. A good relationship starts with good communication. Once you find out which of the 5 it is make sure the both of you recognize it. (Unless it is one of the first 2. Than you can either talk about it and see if he cheated on purpose and where to go from there or you can dump his sorry butt.) P.S. If it is one of the first two and you guys broke up and you are feeling sad and alone. DON'T!! It's one stupid guy! There are a million out there and you deserve better.

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Q: I am having trouble with my boyfriend. Weve been going out for around 7 months and it seems really distant with him. im not sure what to do and it seems weird and i dont know what to do. any advise?
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