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Q: I decided that even a hot day in New Mexico feels comfortable because of the dry air what is the linking verb?
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Why did they stop building California missions?

Mexico had won the 11-year war and they were now in charge of the Spanish. They decided to shut the missions down because Mexico was in charge now.

What has Mexico done in the past to protect the land?

Mexico has fought for the land that America has stold from Mexico. Mexico celled to the united states Texas and new Mexico for a really low prize. When Mexico discovered that Mexico had gold in California they decided to take the gold out. Because they didn't have the right equipment Mexico decided to make a convenience with America, America would help them get the gold out and Mexico will share a equal amount of gold for both states but America stoled gold from California whe Mexico didn't notice. Mexico fought with America for land and independence but Mexico won because they had a solder that was extremely trained his named was Pancho Villa, he had all Mexicans on his side so he fought and won alot of times. When the Americans decided that Pancho Villa was to much they decided to kill him. The Americans killed Pancho Villa in Mexico where they where hiding inside a house, they took gun and shoot him alot of times. Once Pancho villa was dead they decided to cut his head and bury his body. Theme.... Even if you dont think its true, it is look for it in history. Dont worry I didn't believe it ether but now I do.

Why did Texas become a state in the US?

Texas had many problems with Mexico. Mexico kept invading and eventually Texas decided to join the us to prevent invasions and to get out of debt lice it :-8

Who decided New Mexico should be a state?

New Mexico use to be ruled by Mexico. United States pushed Mexico out though still called it Mexico but new.

What is the march on San Antonio?

The March On San Antonio was because the Texans felt like they could go up to Santa Anna (The Dictator Of Mexico.) The built Unity and decided to seperate Texas from Mexico.

Why did the bear flag revolt occur?

Because some of the Alta Californians wanted to be apart from Mexico and they decided taking a general hostage would work to do that.

How was the issue of slavery decided in the territory ceded by mexico-?

The issue of slavery in the territory ceded by Mexico was decided by the Compromise of 1850, which allowed residents to determine whether to allow slavery through popular sovereignty. This meant that the territories of New Mexico and California could decide on the slavery issue for themselves when applying for statehood.

Where did the Compromise Of 1850 Decided Whether They Wanted Slavery?

utah and mexico

When did Mexico get thair flag?

Mexico adopted the current flag in 1968. The colors for this design were decided on following the War of Independence.

Americans decided to fight Mexico in an attempt to form their own government separate from Mexico and eventually voted in a favor of what?


Why did Alexander choose Babylon as the capital of his empire?

Because he was tired of looking for questions without andwer in the internent, si he decided ti go ti mexico and get drunk?