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break up with him!!!! if he'll do it once, he'll do it again!

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Q: I found out my boyfriend kissed another girl it only happened once but what should i do should we take a break should i break up with him or should i just get over it?
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If your friend kissed your boyfriend then you should connfront her. Ask her why she would do that when she knows he's your boyfriend. Then you should ask your boyfriend if he made the first move not her.

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you should say sorry then smack him in the face and run away from him

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It depends on if the kiss you had with this other person meant anything to you? and also if the kiss your boyfriend had with this other girl also meant anything. If none of the kisses meant anything then your relationship should be fine as it was just a kiss and you both still love each other.

How do you tell your boyfriend you kissed another guy?

You could just say to him 'I was drunk and he kissed me, so I was too drunk to resist?' It will cause him pain to know that, so maybe you should just put up with the guilt?

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well if your asking tihs question you aernt ready haha i was 12 when i kissed my boyfriend.

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Tommy is a way better kisser than you are.

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Ask them to be your boyfriend/girlfriend (i dunno which gender you are so...)

You kissed another boy and told your boyfriend the day after do you think he should dump you?

it would depend on if you wanted to kiss the other boy and if you would do it again and if the answer is yes to those questions then yes I would dump you

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If He Kissed Your Sister Then The Only Thing To Do Is Catch Him In The Act Then Dump Him On National TV.

How do you tell your boyfriend you kissed someone else?

NOOOOOOOO! Why would you do that? YES! Then tell him it was amazing and you could see the sparks flying and the doves soaring through the air!!! WHAT!!! ARE YOU STUPID!!! Dont tell him. if you kissed someone else and you like them more than your boyfriend then go out with them. It is a choice only you can make. Think of why you would feel compelled to tell him, what it would do to your relationship, what will it do to him, why you even kissed someone else. Remember, that relationships are based on trust. Without trust you have nothing. The choice you make will have consequences you will have to deal with, if you choose to tell him, or even if you decide not to. You have to ask yourself some hard questions as to why this even happened. a good relationship comes with trust, and if you like the other person better, you can tell him that you kissed some one else when you break-up with him. But, if you like your boyfriend more, and if he is a good boyfriend, he will understand. If you can't decide, listen to your heart. You can always find a way. If the situation is like, you kissed a guy that wasn't your boyfriend and you like the guy more, breakup with your boyfriend and tell him you kissed the guy. Or if its like you kissed a guy, and it was a big mistake, then you should tell the guy you kissed that you found some one else, then if your boyfriend ever finds out, tell him that happened before you guys dated. Everything should work out. HEY! the last paragraph is the sneaky easy way out! Its SO much easier! do that! Seriously! or..... the second paragraph i guess. well maybe...... I think you should just tell the dude you kissed some one else and get it over with! all you have to do is say, " Hey I kissed some one else, and i liked it!" or something more gentle like, "hey i kissed some one else,but it was a big mistake. I never meant for it to happen, you're the one i like. Please don't leave me" Good luck with this situation! :D

Should you tell your boyfriend that you hung out with another guy?

If you are hanged out with another guy, you have no boyfriend anymore. You should have told him before, not afterwards.