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Its probably 16ga if done with a needle. You can either just call your piercer to be sure or measure it yourself. 16ga is 1.2mm thick and 14ga is 1.6mm thick. If it was done with a gun, its probably 18ga. Which is 1 mm thick.

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Q: I got my cartilage pierced and i want to by a new earring but i don't know what gauge i should get it in. please help What is the normal gauge for a cartilage piercing?
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How long to keep an earing in 2 time pierced?

Well, that depends what kind of ear piercing it was. If it was a normal ear piercing, on the lobe of the ear, then the original earring needs to stay in for 8 weeks and needs to be cleaned with a special solution, usually given by your piercer, a few times a day. However, if it was a cartilage piercing, the ones that are up higher on the ear where it curves, the earring needs to stay in for 16 weeks and cleaned regularly. If it becomes infected or you are unsure about what to do, contact the person or place who pierced your ear(s) and they will tell you what to do from there. Or, if you are more worried about it, you can contact a local clinic to ask about it. Hope this helped!

Can you get cartilage pierced while having mono?

Your immune system is loaded down right now and a piercing is not going to help it one bit. wait till you are back to normal health before getting anything pierced.

If you got your ears pierced and 2 days after getting them pierced one gets red and slightly swollen is that normal and what can i do for it?

Never worry, it's totally normal. Your ears are somewhat adapting to you piercing since the 'metal' or the earring is a foreign bypasser. If the swelling lasts more that a week, that's weird. (:

I am planning to pierce my ear cartilage and does it hurt and is it dangerous to get it done with a piercing gun at a normal shop?

i have my cartilage pierced it didn't hurt just && the time i wasn't really eating or drinking anything so i fainted. i went to walmart to do mine

Does it hurt to get your second ear pierced?

No more than the others but it need to be done by a professional body piercer because you are now into the cartilage portion of the ear and piercing guns are not intended nor designed to be used on that portion of the ear.

Is it normal to have puss in your cartilage piercing?

Here's a better answer for you. No, it is not normal. It is more then likely that your piercing is infencted, and should be treated at once before it gets worse. Simply remove the earring, and clean the area with the cleaning substances you should have been giving when you got your piercing, and let the area heal. If it gets any worse, go see a doctor for better treatment. DO NOT PUT THE PIERCING BACK IN! If you want to get another cartilage done, you'll either have to wait for the area to heal completely, and then go back in and get it re-done, or have your other ear pierced. Either way, both require the proper care, meaning you need to clean it twice a day, and make sure you move it around every once in awhile.

Is bleeding during cartilage piercing normal?

A little bleeding is to be expected with cartilage piercings, the incision in the cartilage needs to be larger than the jewellery gauge going into the piercing, this is to allow the skin to heal between the jewellery and the cartilage. Excessive bleeding is an indication your piercer didn't candle the cartilage before doing the piercing to see where the veins are located on both sides of the cartilage.

Does getting your belly button pierced hurt more or less than getting your ears pierced?

Your belly button piercing hurts more then a normal ear piercing your belly button piercing is more sensitive then a ear. :]

Is it normal for a naval piercing to still hurt after 4 months it was pierced?

well mine did & its fine now :)

Is a normal sized earring the same size as a normal sized lip piercing?

No! Check with the piercer to see what gauge ur lip bar is .... mine is 16g

Is it normal for your whole ear to be swollen 5 days after a cartilage piercing?

No............ quit using the Dragon Mist

Is it normal for traguss piercing to hurt after changing the piercing?

The traguss (the piece of cartilage that sticks out at the start of the ear canal) can vary in thickness from person to person and so if the wrong size jewellery is used when changing the piercing this could cause discomfort and or pain. Also lack of proper aftercare following the initial piercing and changing the piercing to early -before healing is completed. It normally takes between 8-16 weeks for healing to occur. This is longer than a lobe ear piercing because it is through cartilage. It also depends on the site of the piercing, the tension created on the cartilage and the size of jewellery used.