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how long have you been suspend on zwinky maybe it blockes you off until u can realli get on or make an new account you have to because it wont let you use the same email address n make a new accout okay bye

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Q: I got suspended from zwinky and it won't let me play. when can i play.?
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You got a zwinky room and new stuff they wont get in your roomwhy?

it got hacked

How do you get unsuspended on Zwinky. I got suspended for accidentally cursing three times and it said I had to wait 24 hours. I got on Zwinky the next day and it still says I'm suspended.?

You can't get unsespended and u get sespended for like around 3 days..sorry

How can you get more zchievements in zwinky?

Well you can play games i got up to 19,803 by playing games. Also there are no cheats for Zwinky. But there are ways to get a free zwinky gift card but you would have to be a credit card hacker.

Can kids be on zwinky?

No because zwinky is an 18 and older website but kids lie about their age to play i would know this because my friends child she is 11 and she got on

Why won't zwinky let me get in zwinktopia?

You will have to have broadband, if you don't it wont work, if you've got broadband, but downloaded zwinky B4 u got it, delete on *8 Settings, then , Control Panel. Then download agai, HAPPY CHATTING, HOPE THIS HELPED YOU.!!

Zwinky cheat to change your username?

make a new zwinky profile......dats all i got

How do you get your zwinky back if someone got your password?

All You Have To Do Is Tell Miss Casey The Owner Of Zwinky.

What is the risk in downloading Zwinky?

My answer:=No there is a big risk of downloading zwinky because my computer got a virus and the guy said it was zwinky that caused it so if i were u don't down load zwinky.=

Your computer wont let your zwinky change its clothes?

to change oyur clothes, you must go to your wardrobe. then, under your avatar, click on save. your ckothes would be saved but u can now change them. your zwinky, realyalex-got-hacked. Mail me and if you are -_-pammilla-_- , plz help me with the tan cheat.

How do you unterminate your zwinky?

You can either be suspended or terminated. When you are suspended, you are temporarily banned from Zwinky (for about one or two days depending on why you are suspended.) When you are terminated, you have gotten suspended too many times and you are permanently banned from Zwinky. There is no way to be "unterminated." ( my zwinky name is xxover-ratedxx. My other Zwinky account is poetic-sarah)~smartasticxsarahOkay, I got terminated on my first zwinky account so I made another one. I have never been suspended after I made my new account. Then a new game came out, so I stopped going on zwinky for like 4 days. Then, I try to go on zwinky one day and it says..."Your account has been terminated due to violence." And I seriously started crying. I was so mad, and I didn't even do anything wrong. Nobody knows my password but me, so I couldn't of been hacked...and even if I was hacked, then that would be my first strike and I would just get suspended. So, I have no idea what happened. I would like to email the founders of and demand my account back because I had zcard money on that account, and that is REAL money! Correct me if I'm wrong, but I am pretty sure that taking real money is against the law, and I will take this case to court, and sue! (What I'm trying to ask, is if anyone knows how to contact the Zwinky finders, then please please PLEASE!! Leave a response by clicking "Improve Answer".Thank you for all of your help,Emily KonopinskiHello, I recently got terminated from Zwinky. But I know a way. This also goes for Emily. I just don't know if it will work. What you do is google "zwinky feedback" and you click the first link. You put your name, email and put the description as Banned for no reason". For the internet info and stuff like that put Not Sure. There will be another description box, but it's bigger. Be sure to include your username. Once they send you an email to ask you to include more info, just reply with the info they asked except for your name and zipcode. I hope this works out for you guys. This is sure to work because most of the administrators' accounts got banned but they got their account back. Okay so I hope this helps you guys and hope you get your accounts back.

How do you get on zwinky?

Well I guess you got to look for a playlist site with zwinky on it then it downlodes it to the zwinky acount proflie thing and then you see if i worked i hope tht will help

Is zwinky a virus?

Sadly.....Yes, i loved zwinky, i used to play everyday, until..... I did a virus scan, and well I got 137 ADWARE and 5 Pups. SO i deleteed zwinky did a virus search and Boom all gone AVOID AT ALL COST IT MAY LOOK COOL BUT VIRUS and ADWARE and Pups. DO NOT INSTALL