

Best Answer

You can regain your eye sight with magic eye pictures. Learn to Do Magic eye, and the Double the vision of you eyes in the magic eye picture. This means if the magic eye picture has only one hidden image, you can unfocus the image to see 2 of the same picture. Lets say a Circle is hidden in a magic eye picture. All you have to do is strain your eye muscles further to see 2 circles in the magic eye

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Q: I have 2060 vision in one eye and 2040 vision in the other eye so how bad is that because I can't see at all without my glasses?
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What are advantages of eyeglasses?

Other than to correct distorted vision (if you have distorted vision) I see no other benefits of having eyeglasses. Eyeglasses can be rather restrictive and can prevent you from doing certain things without the risk of breaking or losing them. If you don't wear glasses, do everything in you power to keep it that way because once you lose your vision, you will not get it back.

How do you improve vision naturally without glasses?

If your problem is with driving at night due to oncoming traffic head lights, you can have your optometrist make some glasses for you with a non-reflective coating, which will reduce the glare. Or, if you already wear glasses, you can have your glasses made with the reflective coating. You also need to take omega 3 fish oil capsules daily, which is excellent for eye health, as well as many other benefits from it, as well.

Is it true if you can see though glasses you need some?

Yes, if you can see better through glasses other than with normal vision this often means you need glasses yourself.

Is 2050 vision requires glasses?

No. You can only get help with your vision if you have surgery or any other type of medical help, glasses only help you to see more clearly, until you get medical help. So, no, glasses are like band-aids... They help but don't actually cure it.

Will you need far or near glasses after Cataract Surgery?

Now when they remove the cloudy lenses in Cataract Surgery they replace them with plastic lenses focused for far vision, so you will need glasses for near vision. Many people get bifocals with no prescription for the main lens part and the near vision prescription for the bifocal part. Other people just carry prescription near vision glasses for when they need to look at things close up but normally wear no glasses at all.Years ago (before they began putting in plastic lenses) everyone needed glasses all the time after having Cataract Surgery, because there was no longer any lens in the eye to focus the light.

Do you need glasses for 20 40?

No unless your doctor tells you otherwise. i have 20/40 vision and am contact and glasses free.

What if your vision in one eye is nil and 20-60 in the other. Is it still safe to drive?

It should be, but you will be required to wear glasses. Many people drive just fine without depth perception... they just need to be very careful.

Why astigmatism cause objects to appear blurry?

An astigmatism means that the shape of the optics cause the focus to be a line rather than a point (the lenses are not spherical). Thus the image produced by these lenses is imperfect, causing a blurred image/vision.

Why cant glasses provide me with clear vision. I have one good eye and one bad eye - no diseases or complications. Why cant glasses provide my poor eye with equally clear vision of my good eye?

They can! By the sound of it you have something called amblyopia (pronounced am-blee-o-pee-a). Amblyopia is when your brain is ignoring one eye because it isn't giving a clear picture so it focuses on the other. I wear glasses for amblyopia and they work astoundingly. I don't know why you're under the impression that glasses can't fix your problem. So the answer to your question is yes glasses can fix your weak eye.

Is vision normal after cataract surgery?

That all depends on what is meant by "normal." If by "normal" someone is expecting clear vision without glasses, then no, vision will not be "normal" unless an "Advanced Technology Intraocular Lens" has been chosen. Most people who do not have other eye disease (such as glaucoma or macular degeneration) do see clearly with spectacles once the eye has fully healed from surgery. Immediately after surgery, most people can resume their daily activities. However, vision may still be blurry during the first weeks (until such time as new spectacles have been prescribed). With a standard implant and uncomplicated surgery, "spectacle-corrected distance vision" (with glasses) will usually be in the range of 20/20-20/30 if there is no other eye disease.

If you are required to wear glasses while driving what kind of license do you have?

People with glasses can get the same license as any other driver, but under restrictions it will have a letter that indicates they need to wear vision correction of some type.

What are my options for vision correction other than glasses?

You could always check into visionary procedures such as laser surgery or contact lenses for your bad eyesight.