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O negative blood type can take only from O negative.

but in emergency cases if the O negative is not available, doctors give you O positive, and treat that with immune-suppressants.

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Q: I have O negative blood group I need blood which blood group is suitable?
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Can a person with a negative blood donate a kidney to a person with o negative blood?

i have A1- group i have very economic problem in my life coz i loss my business so if you such amount i will sell my kidney. my mail id is if u wish please contact to my mail.

Can two people with blood group o negative have a child with blood group o positive?

Of course, but there are many more complications than if you were to have a child with a man with one of the negative blood types. After a miscarriage, or abortion you have to have a shot called Rhogam. If you become pregnant by a positive type person, you will also need to have the shot while pregnant. Then after the babys birth. There are ways around getting the shot DURING the pregnancy. The main one would be to make 100% sure that the baby has a negative blood type. That is the most important thing here.

What type of blood does a kidney donor need to donate to a person with ab negative blood?

AB negative, A negative, B negative, O negative. Type AB is a universal receiver.

Can a o negative blood type father have an a positive baby?

Yes, as long as the mother's blood group is Rh positive, the baby can be Rh positive. Only one parent need be Rh positive for this to occur.

What type of blood can a person with type B blood receive safely?

A person with B type blood can donate to a patient with B type blood and to the universal receiver. The universal receiver is type AB+. A person who does not carry the Rh factor, which means they are either B negative, AB negative or O negative, cannot receive B positive or AB positive blood.

Can all people receive all blood types?

No, this is obvious that not because each human have a different blood group and if there will be a blood transfer, they will definitely need blood with the same group as they have!!

Can a O negative blood group woman marry a O negative blood group man?

Anyone can marry anyone else if allowed by the person joining the couple together. The only problem that occurs is during pregnancy if the child inherits the positive blood from his father. This increases the risk of miscarriage and the mother will have to receive a shot. This is fairly common and in no way should affect whether or not a couple gets married.

My blood group is B positive and my wife blood group is AB positive then what may be the blood group of our child?

To be absolutely certain your full blood type would need to be known as you are B positive your genotype can be either BB or BO as B is dominant to O. If you are group BO your child can be either AB BO AO However if you are BB then you child can be AB BB As to if they will be positive or negative im not sure but im fairly certain that since you and your wife are both rhesus positive then your child will be too.

Where can I find information on blood type diet a negative?

There's no such thing as a negative blood type. Your A positive, B positive, etc. So something may be wrong there, unless you consider a blood type you're not as negative. Then in that case you may need to reword the question.

Is it bad to have type A negative blood?

Generally speaking, you won't see any particular benefits or drawbacks in your daily life. One benefit is that your blood is in HIGH demand in blood banks. As someone with type O- blood, you are a universal donor. This means that ANYONE who is in need of a blood transfusion can accept your blood. The downside to this is that it works the reverse if you are in need of a transfusion. You can only accept blood from donors who are also type O-, a small percent of the population.

If a mother is A negative and father is AB positive what blood type could their child be?

I would need more information (like what blood types the child's grandparents are) to narrow it down. The child could be: - A negative - A positive - AB negative - AB positive - B negative - B positive

What blood group does a b positive women need to have a child with?