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Q: I have acne. Are there any antibiotics to cure it?
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Are there any adult acne skin care treatments that cure acne?

Yes. Topical therapy including topical retinoid, acne-fighting cosmetics, oral medications including antibiotics and certain physical procedures shall help reduce and cure acne in adults. Use of benzoyl peroxide administered with the consultation of a acne specialist is deemed the best treatment for Acne in adults as well. You may find the following links more enlightening:;;

What types of illnesses do antibiotics cure?

Antibiotics only cure bacterial infections. Antibiotics will not cure a viral infection.

Which of the these statements about antibiotics is false?

Safely using antibiotics can only be done when a patient has all the facts. The most common misconception about antibiotics is that they can cure any infection. This statement is false and when taken improperly, antibiotics may not cure an infection, they can make a person sick.

Can be a woman got pregnant while taking antibiotics acne?

Antibiotics don't have any contraceptive effect , also some certain antibiotics such as Tetracycline that is useful for acne treatment have side effects on development of bone and teeth in unborn child , infants and young children

Will hydrogen peroxide cure acne?

No, Hydrogen Peroxide will not cure acne... Benzyl Peroxide, will however help it.

What can antibiotics also cure?

Antibiotics can cure all types of bacterial infections.

What cause of pneumonia can antibiotics cure?

Antibiotics can only cure bacterial pneumonia, not viral.

Does salt cure acne?


Can papaya cure acne?

yeah it can

You are thirteen and you have severe acne they are painful and large please suggest some easy methods for cure?

If it's that bad I suggest you go see a doctor. Sometimes it's not normal acne but a virus and it can go away with antibiotics. Do yourself a favor and go find out.

How long can you take neem capsules for acne cure without any side effects?

1 month

Why is there no cure for acne?

Because Acne is different for every single person and we have no way of developing a single cure for everyone. Acne is like Cholesterol, You can control it but you cant beat it. Scientists are working on subscription acne medicines as this is being read.