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  • Since you have been in a long term relationship with a male then it is doubtful you are bisexual or you would have had some inkling before this time. Sometimes when a relationship doesn't seem to working out either because one falls out of love or the relationship is boring some women may feel that men are simply too much trouble. Also, even when having a relationship with the opposite sex you are suppose to be each others best friends as well as lovers and it is not abnormal to get the two confused re male or female. Take your time and don't jump from the frying pan into the fire. Since childhood many people can love someone of the same sex, but it doesn't mean you are bisexual or even gay. If you can't figure it out then it would be wise to see a psychologist to help you sort things out before you end up getting hurt.
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Q: I have been in a long term relationship with a great guy and suddenly am attracted to a woman at work. I have never been attracted to the same sex before. How do you know what your feelings mean?
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