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Q: I have blocked and deleted someone of my windows live messenger but they can still contact and talk to me. How do i delete them so they cant talk to me?
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If someone is removed as a contact on live messenger can they still contact the person who blocked them?

no the person that is removed cant contact they can type a message but you will never get it. the only way they could contact you is if they send you a email.§EscapeNinja§

If you have blocked someone on MSN Messenger does he get an alert that you have come online?


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Not beeing on someones contact list on messenger is the same thing as beeing bloqued?

No; occasionally when using different versions of windows live messenger; the contact might have you added and it just doesn't show. A long with this if someone blocked you and kept you added; it would still show them as having you on their list.

If you have blocked someone on MSN Messenger will he get an alert that you have come online?

No . he would be unable to know that you have block him.

How do you know if someone blocked you on MSN Messenger?

Well, you'd know if someone has blocked on you on Messenger because when you try and talk to this particular person, the message will not send and it'll say that the person has blocked you.Thank you. :)

Can yahoo messenger talk to windows live messenger?

Yes, if you have Yahoo messenger and someone else has windows live, you can add them on your instant messenger contact list and you will be able to talk to them.

How you know if one of your friend block you from Facebook without delete you?

When someone has blocked you from their Facebook, you won't be able to know if they have also deleted you.

How do you know if someone deleted you by Skype?

You can't. You will know if they BLOCKED you when their status becomes offline with an "?". If they only deleted you you will still see their online status.

Can you find out if someone has blocked or deleted you on Facebook?

yes if you look up there name on search it might it will have a big cross over there name i think

If you delete a contact on windows live messenger without blocking then undelete him is there any chance the contact will find out Like receive a new invitation message depending on the email client?

I did the experiment with Live Messenger 2009. I had someone CONTACT in my list. deleted CONTACT. but I left them in my ALLOW list. They got no notification of visibility that I had done anything. In this state, that deleted contact still has full visibility of my online busy away available status. but I have no visibility of their online status. after I did that delete experiment, I did the ADD CONTACT in messenger, the contact is now in my list, the other person got no notification of me deleting/ adding them. One side effect is that I have no view of their online status now... it seems like the other person has to exit and restart Messenger maybe to reactivate my visibility of their activity. this happened because my girlfriend and I were taking too much time messaging at work- I deleted the contact so I didn't see her come and go. I guess it was a problem for her- we haven't communicated since! I tried the experiment with another friend in messenger to prove the behavior that I noted with deleting. So now my girlfriend I believe can see my activity but I cannot see hers! I could BLOCK her as a CONTACT and hat would prevent her seeing me but I don't really want to. the states and relationships are all tracked in the Microsoft messenger online environment; it's not 'in your computer'; logging in somewhere results in basically the same behavior and contact status.