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Tiger Barbs are a more sensitive fish. They stress out very easily with water quality issues. They also can be "nippy." Generally, however, if you get them in a group of five or more, they will play together instead of picking on other fish. A 29 gallon tank would be fine for tiger barbs. Generally, your tank should hold one inch of tropical fish per gallon (29 inches of fish for your tank). The tiger barbs will grow up to about 3 inches each, taking up about 15 inches if you get 5. You would then have 14 inches left over to get more fish. Just don't forget this rule when deciding on whether or not to purchase these fish.

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Q: I have heard there are some problems with Tiger Barbs do you think I should get them I have a 29 gallon tank?
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Can bettas live with barbs?

Most Barbs - no. Tiger Barbs, Green Tiger Barbs and Ruby Barbs - a DEFINATE no! they will nip it to pieces! Other Barbs I'm not so sure about - do some research, but most Barbs - no!

What should you do when the tiger barbs in the tank are starting to nip at the angelfish?

Tiger Barbs should ideally not be kept with angelfish, as they are slow moving and long finned - and therefore tempting to nip at. This can cause great stress to the angelfish, so the tiger barbs should be moved to a separate tank if possible. Alternatively, if the first option is not possible, a constant food supply should be maintained to give the barbs something else to do and distract them from fin-nipping.

Do Dwarf Gouramis go good with Tiger Barbs?

No, tiger barbs are aggressive fin nippers.

Are tiger barbs warm or cold blooded?

Tiger barbs are tropical fish and are cold blooded.

Where do tiger barbs originate?

Tiger barbs originate in parts of southeast Asia, including Borneo and Sumatra.

What should you do when your tiger barbs are starting to nip at your angelfish?

try getting more tiger barbs to keep the other ones company as when they are in large groups of maybe six or seven they are less likely to become troublesome in the tank, if this doesn't work you will have to remove the angelfish or the barbs

Do tiger barbs eat guppies?

It depends how old they are. Tiger barbs will eat young guppy fry. Tiger barbs will attack adult guppies if the water is overcrowded. However, they won't eat adult guppies.

Can you have different types of Tiger Barbs together?

Yes, any type of Barb will go together, I have a 38 gallon with about 7 different types of barbs and only thing they do is school together or chase. It seems to work perfect.

Should tiger barbs be kept with tetras and cichlids?

Yes they can. I have that mix and they are all doing great.

What are tiger barbs and mollies?

i don't know about tiger barbs but mollies are very intristing animals that like a 7.2 pH level, fish flakes , 10 gallon aquariums and some company also plenty of shelter. when you get a new mollie make sure you move stuff around or they might have a fight.

What does tiger barb eat?

Tiger barbs should be fed a good quality tropical flake food. You can get them online for a good price at

Are tiger barbs tropical fishes?

Yes they are.