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Very likely, your state has a law that requires anyone in possession of a Will to deliver it to the court. You can file a motion with the court to require her to produce the Will.

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Q: I have minor children whose father just died. his sister says he had a will and she is executor. she will not show me the will. it is not filed at the courthouse. my children's father and i are divorc?
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torrie you might not see on smackdown that much remember when they saidif youre at home your only getting half the exsperience.she might be dilling with a divorc with billy kidman or maybe not.she may be always back in her locker room.i dont beilieve she there or not. July 18, 2008 Her and Billy divorced two years ago, and she dating Nick Mitchell. Torrie most likely will not be returning to wrestling as she has just had major back surgery.

I agreed to uncontested divorce I moved out and re-ran credit my ex acquired credit cards over 25K in debt in his name.he signed a letter that he owes but not on the divorce papers.can i amend divorc?

Once the final decree is issued, there is no amending it. I don't understand your issue if he got debt in his name only, that is none of your concern. __________ The first thing you need to do is find out if you are listed as a responsible party to these accounts by drawing a credit report. Once that is done, it is time to fight. If you have a letter signed by him stating that the credit is in his name only, start with that and contact these credit card companies. You may find that you are not involved. If you are, you have to work with the card companies to get them to remove you and amend your credit report. First of all, you did not sign or approve the accounts. That alone won't help alot, but is a factor down the road. Credit card companies don't care what a divorce degree says. They will go after you to try to get their money anyway. So if you can prove you were already divorced, but they have blemished your credit, file a complaint with the Comptroller of the Currency. (Go on line to that name and you will be told how to proceed) Let the card companies know you have filed a complaint with the Comp. That usually gets them to sit up and take notice. Don't cave. You didn't take out the credit. You didn't authorize or sign anything. Keep fighting. At the very least put a note in your credit file to show that account under dispute.

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