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If you think you're pregnant, take a pregnancy test.

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Q: I have symptoms but Im not sure if Im pregnant because of getting off depo recently What should you do?
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If iam getting my period but am getting prenancy symptoms does that mean am pregnant?

No, that is a symtom of your period. I know it is wierd. Pregancy symptoms are period symptoms :)

When there is no period going on at that time pregnancy is possible?

If the woman has recently had sex and is no longer getting her period and has pregnancy-like symptoms, she should see a doctor to see if she is pregnant. It is definitely a possibility.

Is getting a cold one of the symptoms of being pregnant?

No getting a cold is not the sign of pregnancy.

You are getting headaches heartburn flaky nipples light headed feeling dizzy gettng white dischrge are your pregnant with all these symptoms?

You don't have to be pregnant with all of these symptoms, I have these symptoms a lot and I am not pregnant. It's very normal for me but I have some other problems. Consult your doctor if you think your pregnant.

How soon can you have symptoms of pregnancy?

As soon as you get pregnant. I started getting symptoms when i was a month I was always sick i guess it really depends on the person.

Chances of a 16 year old getting pregnant?

A 16-year-old can only become pregnant if she has mated with a male recently.

Can you be pregnant if it's been four weeks and you got all the symptoms but just got your period?

One of the symptoms of pregnancy is not getting your period.

Can taking birth control symptoms be cofused with miscarriage?

birth control increases your chances of not getting pregnant

What are the common symptoms of endometriosis?

there is pelvic pain involved and heavy periods and difficulty getting pregnant. most women do not have any symptoms. This varries from woman to woman.

You havnt had any symptoms of a misscarage but they couldn't find a heart beat and you are still getting the symptoms of being pregnant?

I had exactly the same thing as you. The reasons for feeling pregnant is caused by your hormones. Even is the fetus is no longer alive but you havent miscarried you can still feel pregnant

Could being sleepy and getting gas like cramps and headaches be signs of pregnancy?

Yes, I had all three of these symptoms during the first trimester.

What are pregnancy symptoms if your tubes are tied?

If tubes were tied correctly, you shouldn't get pregnant at all. That's the point of getting them tied. If something went wrong and you still got pregnant, then symptoms would be the same as any other pregnancy.