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Go and see a qualified medical partitioner (a doctor).

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Q: I have two knots at the base of the skull that hurt. what could it be?
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You have four knots that hurt really bad and cause your whole head to hurt along with your right eye what could it be?

Illnesses can't really be diagnosed over the internet or telephone. You should let your doctor or nurse look at these knots and get an expert opinion.

What does the skull does for the human body?

The skull protects the brain from getting hurt

What does the skull function for the human body?

The skull protects the brain from getting hurt

If you have a hard bump on the back of your skull and it does not hurt to touch it what does that mean?

i think if you have a bump on the back of your skull, you are getting a tumor.

Why the brain protected by the skull?

The brain is protected by the skull for one main reason. The brain is vital for functioning many parts of the body. If the brain is severely injured, the body could die. The skull is there for that simple reason--to protect. An accidental smack on the head that usually gets nursed with an 'ow, that hurt, i guess' and some tender rubbing could result in major brain malfunctions or death. The skull is something you don't want to loose! :)

Can you hurt someone by pushing your nose into their head?

why would you do that? your nose is very sensitive and is not a muscle, so it clearly would not go through a skull. i would not advise this, as it could kill, but you can kill someone by uppercutting their nose into their own skull.? hope this helps..

Would it hurt if something pierced into your brain?

The brain itself has no pain receptors but the skin and bone of the skull do. It could damage a part of the brain and cause something similar to a stroke.

Will sweat hurt the Black Wood Celtic Cross Skull Pendant?

The Black Wood Celtic Cross Skull Pendant will not be harmed by regular perspiration.

Knot between skull and left ear doesn't hurt but have headache?


How does the backbone and ribs protect the body?

skull protects our delicate brain and protects it from getting hurt and rib cage protects our heart from being hurt

Why does your head hurt when you shake it?

You head hurts when you shake it because your brain hits against you skull