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The active ingredient in antibacterial soap, triclosan, is not toxic. It is used in soap, deodorant, mouthwash, etc.

Be more careful. Things that taste yucky are probably never good for you to consume often.

Ecsept Veggies!

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Q: I swallowed some anti-bacterial foaming soap. Is this bad?
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Where can I buy some antibacterial soap?

Companies like Amazon and Target sell antibacterial soap online and in their local stores. They are sold at a very reasonable price and they can be delivered at any desired location. These antibacterial soap are in excellent condition and ready to use.

Where could I buy some antibacterial soap?

Antibacterial soap is useful for killing bacteria. These soaps can be purchased at grocery stores, wholesale stores, discount stores, as well as at various online websites.

How do you make foaming soap?

Foaming soap dispensers were invented about 15 years ago by a Dutch company called Airspray. The best way for consumers to get a foaming soap dispenser is to buy one at a retail store. Some empty foamers are sold, but most come with soap already in them. My personal favorite in the US are the foamers from a company called Method. Their foamers are available for $3-4 from most Target stores. The solution for foaming soap is far more dilute than regular liquid soaps. If you start with a solution 10% liquid soap and 90% distilled water, you will be pretty close. I recommend distilled water because you'll get consistent repeatable results with that. Foaming soap is always white; the only reason you'll get some other color is if the soap is over-concentrated. You CANNOT make foaming soap from a lotion. It will not work. If you try, the lotion will splatter and sputter.

What are some brand names for antiseptic soap product?

Some brand names for antiseptic soap products are Dial and Lifebuoy. Cuticura and Dettol are two other popular brand names.

What is a good home cleaning solution?

If you mix some water, dish cleaning soap, (this is optional) antibacterial soap to get rid of the germs, and some iodized salt, you have a cleaning solution for tables.

What does antibacterial soap contain?

Triclosan is a common ingredient, it is found in a wide variety of soaps. What most antibacterial soaps are just as effective as any other type of soap, because most liquid, hand,and body soaps contain antibacterial chemicals. Unless a product is marked antibacterial, antiseptic, or germicidal it's most likely just a regular form of soap that we use daily! Soaps contain a variety of ingredients from PCMX/Chloroxylenol to Triclocarban,and some also contain tetrasodium EDTA which has other helpful effects. So these are some of the ingredients that antibacterial soaps contain. So be carefull and make sure to read the labels CAREFULLY the next time you go to the store to buy some soap. There are antibacterial soaps like Defense soap which contains natural and effective tea tree oil ingredients like tea tree oil and eucalyptus oil :)

What should you do if a cut gets red and kind of puffy?

Wash it with soap and water and then put on some antibacterial cream and a bandaid.

Is it a good idea to use an anti-bacterial soap when you wash your hands?

It is not necessary to use antibacterial hand soap to thoroughly wash your hands. The real way to properly wash your hands is under warm/hot water (hot as in not burning you) with a good amount of soap, washing for at least 20 seconds. (Singing the Happy Birthday song at a normal pace twice is sufficient.) There may be some science to prove that it kills more germs if the soap is antibacterial, however it is based on preference. *** I don't recommend the use of anything labeled antibacterial. At best, antibacterial soap is pointless. At worst, it creates superbugs. First, I'll address the pointlessness. You use the soap and kill the bacteria on your hands. Then five seconds later you start touching stuff: doorhandles, light switches, walls, books, tables, game consoles, stereos, televisions, etc...all of which transfer bacteria onto your hands. You are literally bacteria-free for a span of mere seconds. Now the superbugs. No soap kills 100% of bacteria. Those that survive do so because they are tolerant to the chemicals in the soap. The survivors multiply rapidly into large populations of bacteria that snicker at your attempts to kill them with antibacterial soap.

What are some method used to prevent viral infections?

Clean with lysol and bleach wash hands frequently with antibacterial soap and warm water use hand sanitizer often

Can you use dettol for chickenpox?

There are many antibacterial products made by Dettol, some of which are designed for personal use (such as soap) and others that are not. Check the package instructions for recommended use of the particular Dettol product you have.

What are disadvantages of antibacterial hand soap?

some say that using antibacterial products can cause the bacteria to evolve a resistance to it and become "Stronger", and will not be killed in the future using the same products. It is common, ex. Flu virus. Here's a website for more info.

What are 10 chemicals that you'd find in your kitchen?

The 10 chemicals you could find in a kitchen are: dishwashing detergent, oven cleaner, antibacterial soap, glass cleaner, drain cleaner. Some people keep all purpose cleaner, hand soap, ammonia and floor cleaner.