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Q: I took too many prenatal vitamins plus dha for past 4 days 3 pills vs recommended 1 did i do harm to my baby?
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Is it good to not take your prenatal pills?

no, prenatal vitamins are essential to your childs growth, not saying that your baby will not develop without it but it does give extra nutrients to the baby and also keep your body in good health.

Taking pernatal pills to get pregnant how may should you take and will it work?

Prenatal pills do not make or help you *get* pregnant. Prenatal pills help to prepare your body to make sure that you are getting the adequate vitamins and minerals needed to support the baby *during* pregnancy. I

Prenatal Vitamins: For Pregnant Women?

Before, during pregnancy, and after birth, a woman needs to have the proper balanced diet. A prenatal vitamin is loaded with all of the essential nutrients that are important for proper development of the baby during pregnancy. Doctors also recommended taking these vitamins when a woman is trying to conceive. For example, prenatal supplements include Folic Acid, DHA, and Iron. Even after giving birth, a woman could benefit from prenatal vitamins when breastfeeding her baby.

Protect Your Baby with Prenatal Vitamins?

While nothing takes the place of a balanced diet, prenatal vitamins are a great way to ensure that your baby gets all of the necessary nutrients to grow healthy and strong. Prenatal vitamins are also designed to meet the nutritional needs of the mother as well. Look for a prenatal vitamin that is whole-food based rather than synthetic. Your body is better able to absorb the nutrients in this form. A vitamin that includes fish oil is recommended.

Is it dangerous to take contraceptive pills during the first month of pregnancy?

Prenatal vitamins are generally taken during pregnancy or while trying to conceive so a woman's body can sustain her and the fetus. There is no contraindication to use prenatal vitamins with contraceptive pills, but another vitamin supplement may be more appropriate.

What kind of diet pills can you take while breastfeeding?

I never pregnant, but I remember most people said that pills are not good for baby, so I think I will never take pills unless seriously ill.

Is it bad if you forget to take your prenatal vitamins during your pregnancy?

No, you and the baby will be fine. No worries!

What do prenatal vitamins do?

Prenatal vitamins consist of important vitamins and minerals that help support a healthy pregnancy. A mother to be needs more iron than a non pregnant women. She also need B vitamins, vitamin C, E and D. Due to the needs of the growing baby, prenatal vitamins also contain calcium, magnesium to support bone formation.

What do prenatal vitamins consist of?

Prenatal vitamins consist of important vitamins and minerals that help support a healthy pregnancy. A mother to be needs more iron than a non pregnant women. She also need B vitamins, vitamin C, E and D. Due to the needs of the growing baby, prenatal vitamins also contain calcium, magnesium to support bone formation.

Is it bad if you are not taking any prenatal vitamins on your first trimester?

I am not for sure if it is bad or not. But I do know that during the first trimester, alot of nuerological stuff is going on. If you want your baby to be as healthy as they can be you need to take prenatal vitamins:)

Can you have a miscarriage from not taking prenatal vitamins?

I was having a 'normal' pregnancy and HCG levels rising until I started taking my prenatal vitamins. Then 4 days later, I suffered a miscarriage. I found out that my coworker also suffered a miscarriage after she had been on her prenatal vitamins for 5 days. Maybe a coincidence, maybe not.

How soon should you seek prenatal care?

Once you are pregnant you should start prenatal doctor visits. Early in the pregnancy, the doctor will prescribe you prenatal vitamins.