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The index finger could be used to flip more pages often, of do finger excercises.


You should rule out the possibility of "skeletal" damage.

It is possible that you can not bend it properly simply because the bones does not allow this easily.

I do not think flipping pages would actually do the trick of getting muscles back into shape.

Try some rubberband exersizes where you use your index finger to stretch the rubber by bending it. put a nail in a plank of wood, then put the rubberband over the nail, and start stretching. If too easy with one rubberband, then use two or more.

You can also go to a toyshop or even a petshop and find a small softish ball to squeeze. Make sure you squeze it with your indexfinger, and not only with the other fingers.

Best of luck, and regards..

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Q: I want to get the muscles in my index finger working again because I can't bend it all the way properly any suggestion?
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