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I consider the ideal time to announce a pregnancy to be after confirmation by the doctor. Announcing as soon as you 'feel' pregnant (or after a home test) may be premature because several women 'conceive' but the pregnancy is doomed, and the doctor will sometimes be able to tell. If you have already announced at this point, it's very upsetting to have to tell everyone you were wrong.

It depends who you are telling. The father and your parents I would tell as soon as the doctor confirmed it but to friends not until I enter the second trimester. That is because the risk for miscarriage is greatest in the first trimester.

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Q: Ideal time to announce pregnancy
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When is it safe to announce your pregnancy to friends and family?

They usually say after the first trimester when the chances of miscarriage are significantly lower, but you can announce your pregnancy any time you feel comfortable doing so. Good luck.

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You can just do a post with photo of your baby bump. Personally, I wouldn't announce something as special as a pregnancy on facebook. Plus, there are privacy concerns - anything you post on facebook may get posted elsewhere without your permission and I wouldn't want anyone to be able to guess my baby's birthdate or other personal info. For my pregnancy, I chose to mail out some pregnancy announcements. I picked this card:

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