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Although a Panda's diet is almost exclusively made up of bamboo, they will also eat honey, eggs, fish, yams, shrub leaves, Oranges, and bananas.

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Q: If 99 percent of a pandas diet is bamboo then what is the 1 percent made up of?
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What do pandas mostly eat?

Giant pandas have a diet made up of 99% bamboo but will eat meat, fish, and eggs when available.

What makes up a pandas diet?

A Pandas diet consists of 99% bamboo. They occasionally eat the small bug or insect. Since bamboo does not have much nutrentions they must eat a lot during the day. So, they spend much of there day eating. Hope this helps!

Why do pandas eat bamboo?

because they need the nutrition inside the bamboo.

What are pandas habitats made out?

mainly rock and bamboo

What do pandas eat?

Pandas primarily eat bamboo, bamboo shoots and leaves, but they supplement this with some fruit, berries and small roots.Giant pandas, actually, eat 25 different types of bamboo.Pandas eat 99% of bamboo. They Do Not Eat 99% Bamboo. They eat 60% because They eat plants, trees, and barkThe average panda eats between 20 and 30 pounds of bamboo shoots every day day. Pandas are actually classified as carnivores even though they don't eat meat, because they have the genetic and metabolic characteristics of carnivores. They could eat meat if they wanted to, and they would have a more nutritious diet if they did.Bamboo and the leaves usually, but since of the lack of nutrition, it doesnt move much.The Panda eats a diet of vegetation. This animal prefers bamboo and bamboo shoots. It will also eat leaves and plant stems.panda eats the bark from bamboo but they cannot digest it well so they excreated a lot.because of this they spend most of their time in eating.all pandas eat bamboo and leavesThey eat bamboo and leavesanswser:......Leaves,stems and the same old answer bamboo!Giant Pandas eat bamboo shoots.they eat bamboo.Pandas look cute but they are viscous animals when they want to. But when it comes to what they eat it is a puzzle. Pandas eat as you might know: bamboo. But their digestive system is made for them to be carnivore's. You may think why do they eat bamboo then? The answer to that is because there is little meat in the bamboo corridors (areas of bamboo) so they adapted to eating bamboo. Since bamboo has so little amount of nutrition the Panda has to spend over 15 hours a day eating bamboo! When they do find meat they still will eat it. Lots of people say that Pandas favourite food is bamboo. Not necessarily.a lots of bamboo everydaybamboo is their primary food.They usually eat bamboo trees.Pandas eat bamboo.

Do pandas hunt other animals?

No.I am most certain that pandas do not eat small animals they live in the forests or a nature reservation. However I do know they eat a kind of plant called bamboo so you might want to look up. What is a pandas diet? Than you might find you answer

Is Vanna White a Panda Killer?

No she wore some dresses that had Bamboo fibers. It's a good thing to find uses for products and silly to blame the Giant Panda problem on her. Many of the larger animals in the world are losing there habitats. It is not something new or something that will change. In my opinion Vanna White is a giant panda killer. In the week of April 3rd she wore dresses made 100% from bamboo in Chinese forests. This bamboo is all pandas eat and Vanna bought dresses made from bamboo, thus taking the pandas only food source and killing the pandas, if it is indirectly. I is not something to advertise that you are contributing to the pandas lack of habitat. The bamboo pandas eat can not be eaten until it reaches maturity around 2 years. This bamboo is not easy to grow with polution so every little bit counts.

What do pandas drink from?

bamboo and waterPandas will feed almost exclusively on bamboo. This seems to be quite an odd as they are actually a member of the carnivorous group. The herbivorous diet causes a problem for the panda, as they have the digestive system of a carnivore that is designed for digesting meat. The panda cannot properly digest the cellulose and therefore derive little protein and energy from their diet. To gain the nourishment the panda needs to survive, it will eat anywhere up to 20 or 30 pounds of bamboo shoots in one day. Due to the low nutrition of their diet it is important that the Panda keeps their digestive tract full. Although a Panda's diet is almost exclusively made up of bamboo, they will also eat honey, eggs, fish, yams, shrub leaves, oranges, and bananas.The adult pandas drink fresh water from rivers and streams. The young cubs are raise on the mothers milk, much like any mammal.

Where are bamboo forests located?

Most bamboo forests are located in Thailand as well areas of China.

How have people affected pandas?

Humans effect pandas by cutting down the environment where they sleep,eat, and play. You can save these animals by not cutting down there trees they hide in and not buying or selling their furs and bamboo made furnishings. we can all stop the endangerenment of these animals. If we don't save these animals today some other animals are going to pay the price.

What mammals do red pandas eat?

Red Pandas are actually omnivores. Though they prefer bamboo over everything else (young bamboo sprouts and leaves to be more precise), if bamboo is scarce they will also eat such things as berries, small animals (like rodents), fruit, etc.

Is a giant panda a vegetarian?

Yes, the Giant Panda is an omnivore because they eat both herbs like bamboo, vines, and grass, but they also eat meat like small birds, fish, and sometimes when they are in a frenzy they eat small animals and even i guessJustin Birber rocksMatty B. raps rocksEmblem 3 rocks1D rocksfifth Hamony rockslyric 145 rocks tooTheir a herbivore.Yes!no, a panda is a herbivore for it eats mainly bamboo and other plants. It is very rare for them to eat other animals.well i read on a web site that they eat branches bamboo leaves and small animals